❦ Chapter Twenty ❦

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Sidney sat in her room for the rest of lunch while eating what was left on her tray before the whole accident, while studying for her GED tests on the laptop Headmistress Devona had given her.

Yasmin, with Amelia at her heels, entered the dorm room right after lunch had finished. "Hi Sidney," She sat down on Sidney's bed giving her a soft look. "How are you doing? Is it feeling better? All these colorful band-aids don't seem that comfortable."

Sidney closed the laptop so that her friends couldn't see what she was doing but nonchalantly, gave a heavy sigh. "The pain medication kicked in so I don't feel much but dull throbbing when I move. That's probably just my nerves." She replied, throwing her friends a faint smile.

Amelia stood behind Yasmin, lacing her fingers together and keeping them behind her back. "Witty told us everything. We will help you after social graces classes and Yasmin will let us borrow her notes. Just focus on resting and not moving." She reminded Sidney with an amused smile.

Yasmin nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, I'll give you my notes. I mean, it is just one class and I don't think there is much to learn in social graces the first few weeks." She said, shrugging her shoulders and standing up.

"Thanks, Yasmin," Sidney smiled politely, glad that Yasmin would give her her note so she could stay caught up. "It means a lot." It was true. It did mean a lot to her that she had friends here who had her back.

Yasmin exchanged looks with Amelia before turning her attention back to Sidney. "Headmistress Devona asked everyone if anyone spilled their water but no one said anything . . . so, everyone says it's an accident."

Sidney frowned. Yasmin was making it sound like someone had done it on purpose since her tone was doubtful. "Yas, it's not that big of a deal. Anyone could have slipped on it. It just so happened to be me. It could have been you." She said, combing her fingers through her hair.

Yasmin crossed her arms and frowned, clearly not as persuaded as everyone else was. "How coincidental it happened to be by our table, though. Besides, Thea was getting angry at Dree, and if I would put two and two together -"

Amelia cut Yasmin off faster than anyone thought possible. "Don't make assumptions! They are always arguing with each other. In politics and diplomacy class, they were going at it and Mr. Gong had to interrupt the two and sit them on opposite ends of the classroom."

Yasmin frowned, not too pleased that Amelia had cut her off and defended Thea and Dree. "Look, it's not too far-fetched with the other stunts they pulled, and we all know that it was either Dree or Thea who tripped Sidney."

Sidney's eyes went wide. 'How did she figure that out? I never said anything and I'm positive neither would Thea or Dree.' She thought to herself as she tried to calm herself down. "Yasmin, I said it was an accident."

Yasmin turned her head towards Sidney, furrowing her brows with a skeptical expression painted on her face. "You say that but I know for certain that they had something to do with it. Whether you want to admit it or not." She snapped, then recoiled at her harsh tone. "Sorry,"

Sidney reached her hand out and lightly tapped Yasmin's shoulder with the back of her hand. "I know you're wrapped up in all that, but we should first just focus on our classes and learning so we can graduate. Whatever happens is best not to allow it to fester and just deal with it." 

Amelia nodded her head eagerly, a smile growing on her lips. "Sidney is right. No matter what they do to us we will not allow it to affect us or retaliate. We will treat them with kindness until we need to stand up for ourselves then we will but not with violence." She exclaimed, her voice peppy.

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