❦ Chapter Ten ❦

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The alarm went off around the dorms at precisely seven am, signaling everyone had an hour to get ready before going to the cafeteria for breakfast. 

Witty yawned, covering up his mouth with his hand. "I still feel like I could fall back asleep during breakfast." He sighed heavily, closing his eyes and pushing up his glasses.

Sidney picked up a pillow and hugged it as she sat down beside him. "I am not used to all that sleep. My body is just - I am still tired. I mean I will be until I can get used to this sleeping pattern." She covered her mouth with her hand as she yawned.

Nate closed his eyes and slouched down on the couch, putting his feet up on the ottoman. "I'm with Sidney. My body is not used to all this sleep, plus the bed was like a cloud which I am not used to." He said, reaching his arms up in the air and stretching them.

Michael ran a hand through his messy hair, making it look better than it had looked. "I hope I don't fall asleep during one of the classes, that would be bad. That would get me a strike right? I hope not. My teachers back home were understanding." 

Yasmin plopped down in the chair and sighed, stretching her arms over her head. "I keep waking up every hour and I think it is because it is way too quiet. I had a neighbor who had a dog that barked constantly, plus since I lived in the city the street was always busy, and the nightlife was lively." She mused glancing at her watch.

Amelia was bright-eyed and giggled at the others. "Oh come on, it's a new day! The first day of the school year! I feel amazing! I sleep so great!" She exclaimed, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 

Yasmin giggled, covering her hand up with her mouth at Amelia and her excitement. "It's good to see one of us is awake, maybe you could share some of that energy with us?" She asked in a playful tone. 

Witty pushed up his glasses before a thought struck him. "Does anyone remember the schedule?" He asked, rummaging through his briefcase that all students were given at the last minute. 

Sidney shook her head but then remembered she had stuck it in her jacket pocket. "Yeah, it's right here." She pulled it out and handed it to Witty, who thanked her. "You're welcome." 

Amelia jumped up off the couch and clapped her hands. "Oh, sweet breakfast! I wonder what we will be having? Do you think it's like a four-course meal? All you gotta eat biscuits?" She asked, her eyes widening and her smile growing.

Sidney shook her head and sighed, resting her cheek in her hand. "Am I the only one who can never really eat when they wake up? Two hours or so later, of course, I can eat, but not an hour or half an hour." She asked, sheepishly.

Michael shook his head, getting to his feet and grabbing his briefcase. "No, you're not Sidney. I always skipped breakfast. I could never get myself to eat anything. I would drink a protein shake to hold me over until lunch." 

Yasmin stood up and buttoned the buttons on her black cardigan. "I think we better get to breakfast. We can get the first choice of both food and our table." She pointed out to the beginning to start to walk towards the cafeteria.

Amelia followed behind Yasmin as the others began to file in. "I suggest we get a table on the way back! Then we won't be bugged by anyone and can stay out of Thea's path." She suggested as she skipped beside the black-haired girl.

Witty nodded, tugging his vest down and smoothing it out. "And Dree, she is just as bad as Thea. You would think they were long-lost sisters or something with how they act." He mused pushing up his glasses once again. 

"Either way, I hope I can eat breakfast. If not, I will ask for a protein shake. Do you guys think they have those?" Michael asked, flipping his hair out of his face. "I'll ask when we get there." 

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