Chapter 9 - Love

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When we let go of the kiss, we looked up to see Sadie and her mum sitting on the other couch of the living room. They were both staring at us, not knowing what was going on.

"What is happening here? Who are you, and what are you doing with my daughter?" Her mum asked.

"Uh, I'm Calum. I live right next door," I began to explain.

"Oh. Well the second part of the question was what are you doing with my daughter? Why don't you answer that for me?"

"Well, we're together now." I said, looking at Skylar. She was smiling. I looked back at her mum, and she wasn't.

"Skylar, you know how protective I am with guys.."

"I know, mum.."

"I just don't want you to end up like me and your father. I got pregnant at twenty when we were engaged, and when he found out, he left me. I don't want that to happen to you."

"I know mum. I can assure you, Calum's not like that. He won't ever do that."

"Calum, what if I told you right now that Skylar was pregnant, and the baby was yours? What would you do?" I felt pressured.

"I would stick by Skylar's side during the pregnancy, always making sure she was okay, then be there for her when the baby is born and there on out."

"So you're telling me Skylar could be pregnant right now?"


"You didn't say 'I would tell you that's impossible because we haven't had sex' did you?"

"Uh, no.. I though you were just giving me a scenario-"

"I'm just messing with you, Calum. Welcome to the family. But I'm not kidding about this: if you get Skylar pregnant, you're better not be around me when I find out. If you get Skylar pregnant and leave her, you're dead. And you protect my daughter. Got it?"

"Got it.." I was sort of scared,

Skylar and I got up and walked back up to her room. I sat on her bed beside her and she apologized for her mum.

"I'm really sorry about that. She's just very protective," she warned me.

"It's okay. I understand," I said, leaning towards her.

She leaned in, her lips brushing mine slightly. I pushed her down onto the bed with my hands holding hers to the bed. My legs were on either side of hers, just like she was earlier. My hands moved up on hers and I grabbed her hands, lacing my fingers with hers. I brought my hands back down towards Skylar's face, placing my hands on her cheeks.

We separated, and I got off of her. I remembered about Mali wanting to know how it went. I needed to call her.

"I need to call Mali since I'm not going back home tonight," I told Skylar as I got my phone out of my pocket.

I dialed Mali's number, and it began to ring. She picked up after the first ring, knowing it was me to tell her how it went.

"So.. How'd it go?" She asked.

"Really well. And thank you so much," I thanked her.

"You're welcome Cal," she paused, "so why'd you call? Couldn't you just tell me when you came home?"

"I'm not coming home tonight. I'm staying here tonight, like I did last night, which you told Skylar about."

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's alright. I'm glad you did," I paused for a minute to look over at Skylar sitting on the bed, waiting for me to be done, "I really love her, you know? We just met yesterday, but I feel like I've known her for years. I don't know. Is that weird?"

"No. You love her, and that's fine. It doesn't matter when you met. You can love somebody if you just met them seconds ago, and you can love somebody if you met them decades ago."

"Thanks Mali."

"Anytime Cal," she hung up. I am so grateful to have a sister who supports me like that.

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