Chapter 13 - Band Practice

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We all went across the street to Luke's house, and I met his mum. She seemed really nice and interested in who I was.

"Hello! I'm Liz, Luke's mum. Who are you?" She introduced herself.

"I'm Skylar, Calum's girlfriend of, like, two days," I laughed a little, and she did too, " I live right across the road, next to Calum's house."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you, Skylar. And have these boys annoyed you much yet since they've moved in? I bet they have."

"At first they were really annoying.." I said and they looked at me, "but now they're alright."

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Skylar."

"Nice meeting you too, Liz!" I said and went downstairs right before Luke who yelled to him mum, "we're going to be practicing!"

She yelled back, "okay!"

He came down the stairs behind me, and I sat on a chair they had down there while they got set up.

Once they were set up, they began to play a song. I didn't recognize it, but it was a really good song. I liked it. They finished the song, and I asked them what it was called.

"It's called Beside You," Calum answered, "it's going to be on our EP, when we are able to record and make one..."

"That's cool! I really like that song too," I complimented.

"Thanks babe," Calum kissed my cheek.

"Okay you two, stop," Ashton warned, "how about we play Unpredictable?"

"Okay," Luke, Calum, and Michael all agreed, so they started to play. I liked this one too. It was great. They were an amazing band and amazing songwriters. Once the sing was over I asked them if they had written those songs themselves.

"Yeah. All by ourselves," Luke told me.

"Well they're really good. And you guys are really talented. I'm still surprised you didn't tell me before. I mean, yeah, I've only known you for two days, but still, this is a big part of you guys' life, I guess?"

"Yeah it is," Michael said, looking at his band mates.

"So... Do you guys have any other songs?" I asked, "They're really good."

"Thanks babe," Calum smiled, "And yeah, we do have more."

They began to play another song, and I liked it a lot, just like the other songs. They were all good. No, they were all great. I just can't believe they've written them all by themselves, and they don't even tell me about it! I mean, sure we haven't known each other for three days yet, but still.. It's a big part of their lives and they should've told me about it, or even just mentioned it.

When they finished a song, I asked them what it was called, just like with the other ones. Calum told me it was called Out of My Limit, which I had already kind of figured out because of what they said in the song.

"You guys are amazing.." I had complimented them, "I can see you guys famous someday.."

"Really?" They said in unison.

"Yeah. I can just picture it. It's awesome!"

"That would be cool to be famous," Luke smiled while thinking about it. I got them all thinking about it, and they liked it.

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