TAKE MY HAND - Cashton

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explicit language


Short summary:

Calum and Ashton have been dating in secret for a while and are now ready to let their fellow bandmates know. It's just some fluffy domestic Cashton for the soul. 🤍


"In one photo posted, Hemmings can be seen putting the large diamond ring on her finger as the two smile and look into each other's eyes. In another, the couple shares a kiss in front of a mountainous backdrop."

"That's really fucking cheesey," Calum muttered, his attention more focused on the phone in his hands than on the article Ashton was reading aloud to him.

"It's sweet, man," Ashton was giddy as a school girl.
Calum looked over at the older boy and the corners of his mouth twitched. He sighed small and let his phone fall onto the couch next to him before he stretched out on Ashton's couch more and studied the other boy silently. Ashton was still scanning the article about the engagement of their bandmate with his eyes.

"How long do you reckon we've got left?," Calum asked quietly.

"Left until what?," Ashton looked up from his phone and over at him.

"Until everyone starts asking when we will finally propose to our significant others," Calum muttered.

"They already do mate," Ashton put his phone away too, "Remember the interview last week when they asked us for our future proposal plans?"

"Yeah, but I mean, how long until they really start prying and forcing it on us," Calum rolled his eyes upon the prospect.

"I think we've got a couple more years," Ashton mumbled. "Luke's wedding is first now. They'll have enough to disect. It'll be the event of the decade," Ashton mused.

"I think he'll do it like Mike," Calum said thoughtfully, "in privat and then come forward to the public later."

"Probably," Ashton shrugged, "I'd do the same."

"Would you?," Calum grinned.

"Yup," Ashton scratched his head under his vibrant orange beanie, "I mean we could also cut the chase for our 'engagements' and just announce ours." Ashton quirked an eyebrow up.

"God please, Ash," Calum groaned, "If you propose to me now, I'm gonna throat punch you."

"Ouch?," Ashton frowned.

"Come on, Ash. We've had this talk before," Calum frowned.

"Yeah I know," Ashton muttered, "but I'm 28 and I want to get married."

"And I'm 26 and I don't. Not yet. Look at everything that's changed over the past couple of years, imagine what will change in the future! We could -"

"- get married without compromises, I know. You've said that before. And I guess you're right. But a lot has already changed, dude. We could get properly married now."

"Ash," Calum tried to surpress a smile now, "we both agreed to not make irrational decisions."

"What, so marrying me seems irrational to you?," Ashton asked with a smile in his voice but also a little offended.

"After dating for eight month? A little, yeah," Calum threw a ball of scrunched up candy bar wrapper at him.

"It seems longer that eight months, man," Ashton mumbled thoughtfully.

"I does," Calum agreed, "but that still doesn't mean we have to get married now. There's no need to rush, you said that yourself!"

"I know, babe. I'm just messing with you. Though it would be a fucking power move to call you my husband infront of everyone."

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