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"Michael, honey, get ready we are leaving for the airport!, " Michaels mum shouted up the stairs. Michael groaned and stood up from his bed.

His parents had decided to take in an exchange student. His name was Lucas and he was from Germany. All Michael really knew was that Lucas was about Michaels age.

Michael was annoyed that he had to share a room with this boy. His parents said it would be an awesome opportunity to get to know another culture and language, but Michael totally wasn't one for foreign things.

"Michael!," his mum shouted again. Michael shoved his phone into his back pocket and went downstairs.

"Oh Mikey, can't you wear something... normal?," his mum asked while tugging some of his fire red hair behind his ear.

"Mum, this IS normal. It's what I wear every day, why should I change for him? He's going to love in my room, so he'll see me wearing this eventually," Michael sighed. He didn't see the problem in wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a washed out Green Day shirt.

"Okay you're right, Mikey. But please be nice to Lucas," his mum sighed.

"I will, mum, don't worry, " Michael sighed.

They headed out where his dad waited in the car.

At the airport they all got out. His mom had prepared a sign that said

W E L C O M E L U C A S in huge colorful letters. Michael thought that was quite embarrassing.

They arrived at the gate just as the first people began to get off the plane.

They waited for at least five minutes before his mum began to shout really excited. She waved at a boy who had a smile on his face and came walking towards them.

Michaels eyes widened upon seeing the boy because this guy was definitely fucking hot. He was tall, blonde, broad shouldered, had a lip ring and wore black skinny jeans, a black shirt and a flannel on top.

Michaels mum forced him into a big hug, his dad shook his hand. Now the boy turned to Michael, who was still staring.

"Hi?," Lucas frowned confused. Michael snatched out of his daze.

"Hey," he said.

"I'm Luke," Lucas smiled.

"Michael", Michael said. After all he still didn't want to have this hot guy living together with him for the next year.

"Nice shirt," Luke smiled.

"You know Green Day?," Michael asked unimpressed and raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I know them, we're not living behind the moon in Germany," Luke laughed.

"Ah," was all Michael said back.

One the ride home, Michaels mum kept on asking Luke a million questions and Luke answered every single one of them.

"So why don't you two boys go upstairs and Michael will show you your room while I prepare dinner?," Michaels mum smiled and Michael turned around and rolled his eyes.

He climbed up the stairs but turned around half way up. Luke was still standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you coming or what?," Michael said annoyed.

"Uhm yeah. Sorry," Luke said small.

They entered Michaels room and Michael sighed.

"So this is my room. You have to share it with me for the next twelve month," Michael said annoyed made himself comfortable on his bed.

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