FLOWERS - Mashton

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This is a sequel to my 'GHOST OF YOU Muke' OneShot.

If you haven't already, you should probably read it first. But basically Luke passes away due to cancer when Michael and Luke are seventeen. Michael realizes that he was in love with Luke after Luke's death.

And now he meets Ashton trough... interesting circumstances and struggles with his mixed and very confusing feelings.

This one is cute, I swear!

TW: mentions of death, depression, suicide attempts

Michael knew it was wrong to steal.

Despite everything, his parents had raised him to have a moral compass that definitely pointed away from stealing other people's properties.

But there were so many flowers here. And he was a stupid highschool student. He had no money to buy fresh flowers every week.

The owner of the yard was probably an old lady who didn't even notice flowers were gone anyway.

It was fine.

This was fine.

"Hey," Michael was startled and dropped the flowers immediately. His feet were glued to the ground and ice spiked through his veins while he stared at the young man who had appeared behind a particularly huge bush.

"I- I'm," Michael struggled for words, slowly backing away.

"Stealing my flowers, I know," the curly haired man raised an eyebrow, "I'm not stupid, you know?"

"I- Yeah, sorry. Of course you're not," Michael stumbled over his words.

"Then why the hell do you keep stealing my flowers, man?," he asked, hands on his hips, "and don't even try to lie, dude. You've been doing this for weeks."

Michael was rooted to the spot, unable to form any coherent thought.

The man sighed and looked at the flowers on the ground. "Dude, you can't just take someone else's flowers," he said sternly.

"I know," Michaels heart beat out of his chest, "I- Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Man," guy huffed and threw his hands up, "I fucking hope she is pretty enough to deserve the flowers."

Michael stared at him, confused.

"You know what? Why don't I accompany you to her, so you can introduce her to the man who's flowers you've been stealing for her," the man crossed his arms.

"I-," Michael gaped at him, "what?"

"You heard me," the guy passed back.

"I-... I can't," Michael stumbled over his words, "it's not like that, I swear."

The guy narrowed his eyes.
"Either you let me come with you so I can embarrass the shit out of you in front of your lady and make you learn the lesson, or I'm reporting you to the police," he snapped.

Michael started. "Fuck, no, please! Not the police," Michael rushed out.

"Let's fucking go then," the guy muttered and jumped over the fence.

Michael contemplated leading the guy in the wrong direction. But where would that lead? Would the guy leave him alone eventually? Probably not.

Michael took the next left, his usual route.

"What's your name," the man asked. He wasn't straight up angry but not really friendly either. His tone was cold.

"Michael," Michael said.

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