Cake - A Love Like War 3/3

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Once again the disclaimer that this is based on a German movie called Kukuwääh 2 which was written and directed by Til Schweiger. I adore the movie and if u are German u should check it out.❤

On Thursday, Luke was sitting at a table in an ice cream parlor together with Mia and Max, the boy Mia had a crush on.

"Sooo..," Luke tried to make conversation, "are you two sitting together in school?"

"Max is a year above me," Mia said smiling at Max.

Luke nodded slowly.

"How old are you?," Luke asked.

Max smirked up at him. "Old enough."

"Old enough for what?," Luke asked with raised eyebrows.

"Old enough to wank, if that's what you mean," Max said, causing Mia to choke on her ice cream.

Luke glared at him.

"That was a joke," Max grinned and turned to Mia, "Your dad is so uncool."

"I knowwww," Mia whined.

Luke chose to ignore that comment.

"Do you want to have my waffle?", Luke asked and held it out for Mia and Mia smiled.

"You'll get fat if you eat that," Max said. Mias smile faded.

"Says who?," Luke said, getting tired of the boy.

"My personal trainer," Max said.

"You have a personal trainer? That's so cool!," Mia said excited.

"Why does a squirt like you need a personal trainer?," Luke huffed.

"Ever heard of protein diet? Low carb?," Max said and Mia put her spoon full of ice cream down.

"Ever heard of a home for kids who don't know how to shut up?," Luke asked and Mia glared at him.

"So Mia, one waffel won't hurt you," Luke said.

"Yeah, if you wanna get fat and look like a whale..", Max said and Mia put her spoon down and threw her half eaten ice cream away.

Luke narrowed his eyes at Max and was about to say something when Maxs super expensive phone went off. Max looked at it and smirked.

"I have to go, it's time for work out. It was.... nice," Max said and got up. Mia looked at him while he walked out.

"Isn't he cute?," Mia beamed at Luke


About three weeks later, Calum was grocery shopping with Mia. He had Ashton over to watch the twins while Mia and him bought the things they needed for the weekend.

"Hey baby, what do you want to eat?", Calum asked Mia.

"Spaghetti!!", she squeaked.

"Alright pumpkin", Calum laughed and picked up a package of spaghetti.

"Here you can choose a sauce you want", Calum smiled.

"Uhmm... Not this one, I burnt it last time and it tasted awful", Mia frowned.

"You... You burnt it? Were you like... cooking?", Calum asked frowning.

"Yeah. Dadda said he had to leave for work again after he had been home for barely 20 minutes. I told him I was hungry and he told me to make myself dinner. He told me to just put the spaghetti in hot water and just warm up the sauce. And I burnt it and I burnt my hand too. But I bandaged it up all by myself because no one was home and I even gave Emmy her bottle", Mia said proud while Calum just watched her, his mouth hanging open.

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