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Request by Sparkling_5sosFreaks
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Michael was surprised how fluffy the cushions of their tourbus couch were. He sat cramped in the corner of one of the couches in the back of the bus surrounded by cushions and wasn't sure if he was trying to disappear into the couch or not.

Fact was, that he had his big black headphones on, but had no music playing and was staring at his black phone screen very intensely, as if he was watching the best movie ever.

But in reality he was watching his boyfriend of two years interact with his stupid lanky blonde friend who was currently laughing at one of Ashtons jokes.
Michael didn't want to be upset about it, after all Luke was their best friend and it was a normal thing to joke between friends, but he couldn't help feeling the sickening feeling if jealousy clawing at his stomach.
He wasn't jealous because he thought they might start feeling something for each other, he was jealous that Ashtons spent so much time with Luke. So so so much time.
Michael sometimes had to literally beg Ashton to spent some time alone with him, and they were BOYFRIENDS.

Michael felt like he had been punched in the stomach when the two boys had entered the back of the bus an hour ago and Ashton sat down with Luke instead of him, even though he hadn'tapoken a word to Ashton yet sine the curly haired boy had just gotten up. So Michael had put on his headphones after a while of being ignored by Ashton and pretended he didn't notice them so they would leave him alone.

That was another thing Michael was upset about. Whenever they spent time as a group of friends, Ashton talked to Luke and Calum, but acted like Michael was air. It was always Calum or Luke who adressed Michael in conversations and who tried to keep him involved.
Calum had noticed that too and was equally pissed at Ashton for treating his longest and best friend like that.

"Luke?," he now heard Calum saying, "Aren't you hungry? Because I am, we haven't had breakfast yet!"

Luke's face lit up. "Man, food sounds amazing!"

The two stood up and left the room. Michael slowly removed his headphones and put them on the table in front of him.
Then he looked at Ashton, and Ashton looked at him.
They just stared at each other for a few long seconds.
And then, tears started filling Michael's eyes. Ashton didn't even seem to realize how much of an asshead he was being and didn't seem like wanting to take responsibility for it either.

"Hey, are you okay?," Ashton asked with wide eyes.

"Fuck off," Michael chocked out before the first tears spilled.

"What? Why??," he asked confused while coming over to Michael.

"Why do you always pretend like I don't exist when we're with friends?," Michael chocked out.

"I didn't!!"

"Hello? You sat down with Luke at the other end of the room? I haven't talked to you today yet, it would've been nice to hear a good morning from my boyfriend.. and it's not just today, it is ALWAYS! When someone else is around, you ignore me completely, like I am all of a sudden not important enough!!!"

"I am sorry, babe, this is not at all what I wanted you to believe! Oh God, Mikey, I am sorry.. I didn't know you felt that way," Ashton said and hugged Michael.

Michael sighed and hugged back.

"No I am sorry for making this such a big deal," Michael said small and hid his face in Ashtons neck.


Michael slowly opened his eyes and groaned. His head was pounding and he felt sick, hot and exhausted.
He had woken up with the flu this morning, leaving Ashton, Luke and Calum to go to the interview alone so he could get some sleep.

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