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a request by lukessummer

I've been drifting in and out of a dreamless sleep for a while now, never really having the energy or willpower to open my eyes.

But now I couldn't ignore it anymore - I really had to pee.

I groaned softly and slowly opened my left eye. Shit.. why did my bathroom had to be at the other end of the room?
It was an odyssey getting there. I half stumbled, half sleepwalked, keen on not having to open my eyes more than needed.

After finishing my business, my pounding head told me I definitely needed some aspirin.

On my way back to bed I noticed that I was still wearing the outfit I wore to the club last night. I ACTUALLY contemplated for a second, only a second, if I should change into something more comfortable. Needless to say I decided to fuck it and only kicked off my glittery boots. Before my tired body hit the mattress I was already back asleep.

The next time I woke up the sun was already hanging high in the sky. Golden light shone through my bedroom window and warmed up my bare back. I had my arms wrapped around a big pillow and my cheek pressed against the warm material.

Wait- warm? I forced my mind to come out of that dazy sleep phase and focused on my pillow, only to find it rising and falling slowly while it breathed in air.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly blinked open my eyes before I tilted my head upwards to be met with the most beautiful sight ever.

Its funny, you know? Ever since I was twelve and Calum had his first sleepover at my house I couldn't help but think how beautiful he looked asleep. And ever since then I imagined how amazing it would be waking up to that sight every day. But now that my dreams actually came true, it wasn't at all how I imagined it to go down.

Because I had no fucking clue how he got in my bed.

I just stared at him for a few minutes, frantically digging through my brain for memories of last night, but came up with nothing.

Calum was beginning to stir softly and I shifted a bit on his chest causing him to lazily open an eye.

"Mhhh hey Lukey," he rasped in his low thick morning voice and I was glad I was laying in bed, otherwise my knees would've gone weak.

"Hey," I whispered with a hoarse voice.

Calum chuckled and opened his second eye. "No wonder your voice is hoarse after the way you've been screaming last night.."

I frowned and pushed myself up on my elbows to be able to get a better look at Calums face.

"Because of the loud music in the club?," I asked confused.

Calum snorted and closed his eyes again. "More like everything after the club...," he had a lazy smirk on his lips and let the soft sunlight hit his face, making his skin glow golden.

My blood ran cold and I froze. Even more desperate than earlier I filtered through my head and tried to figure out what exactly Calum meant by 'everything after the club'.

Calum seemed to take my sudden silence as a clue to continue talking.

"Last night was good," he hummed, eyes still closed, "it was amazing, in fact."

I felt like crying. My head was still pounding and I was hungover as fuck and all of this was just too much for me right now.

"What exactly do you mean?," I accidentally let slip.

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