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Hey sweeties! It's been two weeks, I know, but this one was very important to me and I wanted to finish and publish it before I start working on your requests. And I hope you enjoy this one, I did really enjoy writing it.
Request are coming now but don't hate me if it takes me long to write! ILY ❤

Luke sat awake in his bed again, staring at the opposite wall. His bed was big and fluffy and soft. But to Luke, it mostly felt cold and empty.
He ran his hands through his hair, again, like he did every five minutes. There was a time when he found it relaxing whenever someone ran a hand through his hair, now it was just a gesture to occupy his fingers, to occupy his body, his brain. He did it just to do something. Anything.
Anything was better than having nothing to do.

He knew he'd have to be fit and awake in the studio in six hours to start the writing of 5Sos3, but he found that he didn't really care. He started worrying at his already bitten down nails and tried not to think about the last couple of weeks too much.

It's twisted isn't it? The way you can miss something without wanting it back. The way you could miss something you had with a person without wanting them back.
The emptiness in your heart that was once occupied by a person you loved and was now nothing but a black hole sucking in all the positive feelings in your body, as well as the ability to sleep and eat.

Luke knew his relationship had been anything but healthy. He knew he had been suffering and that he hadn't really been happy. He knew he'd been used but he always thought that they were just bend, not broken. He had given her everything and his whole heart. He'd given and given and given and she had taken it. But she had never given anything back.
Luke had told himself that it was alright, that this was just the way she was. That she wasn't the romantic type. Or the talkative type. Or the type that likes fully commitment to a person. And he had told himself that he didn't care.
He had been in love.




And then it all blew up in his face the moment she'd called him, telling him that she didn't love him anymore, hadn't loved him in month, and that she'd made out with this other guy the other day and that they were dating now.

Luke knew heartbreak hurt. But he didn't realize how worse being cheated on felt. Being betrayed by someone you trusted blindly is cruel, so is making someone a top priority when you're nothing but an option to them.

Luke also knew it was for the better, this breakup. But he was miserable anyways. Being alone after such a long time was something he'd had to get used to again. She had been his world, had been in all the aspect of his life, all the darkest corners of his mind and everything he did.
And now, everything in his life screamed all the lies she'd told him back at him. All the "I love you"'s and broken promises. He felt like a joke. He felt used and stupid and naive.

But mostly alone.

Luke found that if he just kept moving, he was actually feeling better. If he just kept himself busy and kept his brain occupied then it wouldn't go to the emptiness and the dark places again.

Luke heard soft tapping sounds on his wooden floor and immediately brightened up.

"Petunia," Luke cheered and a moment later, Luke's big dog jumped up on the bed next to him. He usually had a "no dog in bed" policy, but these were obviously exceptional circumstances.

"Oh Petunia," Luke sighed and rubbed his dog's head, "you're the only girl that stuck with me, aren't you?"

Luke got up and drew back the curtains infront of his window. Early morning sun was casting soft light in Luke's big bedroom. He moved over to the closet and drew out some sweatpants.

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