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Luke checked his phone for approximately the 100th time, realising, again, that there wouldn't be a new text message. His phone was on airplane mode after all.

He twisted and turned his phone in his hands, fiddling with it til it hit the ground with a low thud. It probably landed next to his iPod, which he dropped three hours ago.

Luke let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. His hands fumbled in thin air now, and his leg bounced up and down. He was a nervous wreck, and he was annoying the shit out of the guy sitting next to him cramped into the tiny airplane seats.

Luke didn't care to much though, because in his opinion he already deserved a medal for not crying because his nerves had left him hours ago. Yes, he did cry yesterday evening after a tiny pointless argument with his mum that usually wouldn't have made him cry. His mum had taken him into her arms and asked him what was wrong, why he was crying, because after all, this upcoming trip was what he'd been dreaming of for years. Luke told her he didn't know what was going on or why he cried, though he did exactly know why.

It was the same reason he had spend so many nights awake in his bed, studying the ceiling. It was the same reason his heart hadn't ever felt settled these past three years. It was the same reason he hadn't been able to sleep in weeks. And it was the same reason he was now nearly bursting with anxiety.

It was this stupid, beautiful idiot who would await him at the other end of this plane flight. It was the boy he had fallen in love with four years ago, the boy he'd been dating for a year before they had to part.

Before they had to part - Luke remembered that day as if it was yesterday. The day he waited for the conversation to go down, about how they would work out a relationship overseas, how they would be able to be with each other, talk, even though a thousand miles and ten time zones were keeping them apart.

But the conversation didn't happen. They parted, in tears and swearing to each other that they would keep in close contact. That, for starters, was true. Luke and Michael both did their very best to keep up with each others lives, they texted and skyped a lot. But the conversations never got too serious.

Luke didn't want to think about everything that would happen once he set foot on the ground again. He was excited, no question. He was so happy to go back to his second home, see Michael's parents and dog again, spend time with Ashton and Calum. But he was fucking terrified of what would happen between him and Michael.

What if Michael thought their parting had been equal to a break-up? What if they both had changed too much? Back then they were 16, going on seventeen, now they were 19, Michael going on twenty. Would they be strangers? Did they change so much that the chemistry between them was gone? What if Michael was dating someone new? And even if he didn't.. would Luke want to continue this equally beautiful and painful relationship between them?

Luke swore under his breath and jammed his headphones into the small TV that was installed into his frontman's seat. Music turned up on full volume to drown the world out, he thought to himself.

And for a small amount of time it worked. Until the seatbelt sign flashed, indicating that they were about to land. And Luke felt like the end of the world was about to break lose.

He felt his throat tighten as soon as he left the long gateway that connected the plane to the gate. Everything was just like how he remembered it to be, and yet it felt strange to be back after imagining it for so many nights. His pace slowed as he drank in the same pictures on the wall, the smell and even the old green-brownish carpet that covered the Airport in Omaha, just like he had done it four years ago.

His eyes glided down the corridor and his heart, which was beating in his throat, missed a beat. There he was, all tall and punk-ish, with his bleach blonde mess of hair, but less lanky and skinny, and with a faint layer of dark stubble around his chin. He clearly hadn't seen Luke yet, giving him time to catch his breath, before he started towards him. He saw Michaels dad standing a few feet behind Michael and felt a flash of joy going through him upon seeing him again.

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