Muke - Fuckboys

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A lot of cursing in this one.. ooopsie?😂

I slowly walked to the car with my present pressed tightly against my chest.

My breath fogged in the icy air and a shiver ran down my spine. It was the middle of december and I was definitely not dressed for it.

The little path that connects our house to the garage was dark, no one found it necessary to install lamps. In the pitch black darkness of this freezing cold December night it was hard to find my way to the car without falling over the last rotten apples and leaves that autumn left.

I stopped infront of our car and looked at my reflection in the icy window.

I looked pale, scared almost. My fogged breath build a white cloud around my head before it hit the glass of the car window and turned into tiny icy flowers.

I didn't know what I was expecting. Honestly, I didn't even know what to expect.
What do you expect from a birthday party thrown by one of the most popular senior kids in high school? Alcohol, drugs and sex. Right?
I didn't know why but my brain couldn't get over this one word.


What a weird word. What makes a person popular?
Making other people feel bad about themselves to look better, I guess. At least a lot of the time that's how you do it.

I am popular, even though I didn't do anything.
I am popular because Luke Hemmings is popular.
I am popular because I am Luke's best friend.

Being popular or one of the "cool kids" comes with it's costs. You can't miss a single party, you always have to present yourself like you have the time of your life and most importantly, you're not allowed to talk about feelings.
Nobody could know about my problems. About the dark lyrics I scribble down every night when I find no sleep. Or that I haven't eaten a proper meal in weeks. Or about the scars underneath my jumper...

I am a popular kid. So I have to be a happy kid.

I heard my dad's feet walk down the path to our house and took one last look at my reflection.
I blinked a few times to get rid of the hurricane of emotions that messed with my emerald green eyes. But the hurricane stayed.
It wasn't that big of a deal though. Soon, the alcohol would calm the storm and make my usual sad green eyes glassy and shiny.

Nobody will know how I feel about them. Or the party. Or my whole situation.
Nobody. And especially not Luke.

"Mike? You okay mate?," my dad asked while he unlocked the car.
"Fine," I croaked out, "I'm amazing, dad."
My dad smiled, obviously pleased by the answer, before he opened the door and scooted into the driver's seat.
I opened the door and got in next to him.
My dad was popular in highschool. But, like, foorball player popular, not popular by proxy like me. I sometimes think he peaked in highschool, he never shuts up about the parties he went to and the things he did.

"So...," Dad said while backing out of the driveway, "Are you excited?"

Are you excited? I hated that question.
Excited. What is there to be excited about? Bitter alcohol? Cringey people?
Excitement is such a strong feeling. It's hard for me to remember how it felt like... I haven't felt it in like forever. In fact I only know two feelings. Sadness and tiredness.
At the moment I felt tired.

"Yeah.. I guess," I replied and shrugged.

My dad nodded and began to sing along to the radio where some 80s rock song was playing. The ride was surprisingly short.

"Are you sure this is the address I gave you?," I asked suspicious as I looked out of the fogged window of the car.
A tiny little house in the middle of a forest. Could it get any more creepy?
But my dad nodded.

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