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explicit language


Short summary:

A fluffy one. The story of Calum and Michael falling in love over the years of knowing each other and being in the band. Happy ending. :)

There's a lot of swearing in this one whoops.


2009 - Age 14

"Does it ever bother you?," Michael asked thoughtfully.
Calum sighed heavily and caught the soccer ball he had just thrown in the air.
"Mate, what the fuck," he said, "you can't just ask random things out of nowhere and expect me to know what the fuck you're talking about."

Calum and Michael were sprawled out on Calums bed. Calum guessed they were supposed to do homework, at least that's what his mum expected them to do after she had picked them up from school and they had had lunch, but instead Michael had been playing on his Nintendo DS and Calum had been throwing a soccer ball into the air and catching it again and again.
Well, until now.

"Does it ever bother you that you've never kissed anyone before?," Michael asked.

"No! Mate, I'm thirteen. I have plenty of time left, dude," Calum sounded almost disgusted.

"I know other people who are thirteen and have a girlfriend," Michael argued.

"Well, we're not 'other people', Mike," Calum butted in, "We're us. And we've got time. Why the hell are you bringing this up now?"

"I don't know," Michael shrugged, "I saw Puke making out with someone today and I guess it got me wondering."

Calums sighed and threw up the ball again.
"Can you, like, stop obsessively hating Luke Hemmings? It's getting ridiculous."

"I'll never not hate Puke Lemmings. He sucks," Michael sounded pleased.

"He does, but you're way too passionate about it. Get a hobby," Calum muttered.

"Okay. Wanna make out?," Michael asked.

"Michael what the fuck?," Calum dove away from him so fast that he fell off his bed. Michael hadn't even moved an inch.

"I was kidding, you turd," Michael snickered.

Calum goraned and pushed off the ground.

"Here you fucktard," Calum grabbed his heavy maths book from the table and threw it at Michael, "Do our homework!"

"I'm not good at math! You do it," Michael wined.

"No. It'll help you get better. I'll do our English assignment."

"People who are good at math suck," Michael muttered while flipping through the textbook, "Look at Puke."

"For fucks sake, Mike!," Calum threw his hands up in dispair.


2010 - Age 15

Calums bedroom was silent except for the sound of felt tip markers scratching over cardboard to form words. Calum and Michael were actually working on a school project. Together.

Usually Michael would let Calum do all the projects, because Michael either didn't care if he got an F for the project, or simply not showed up to school on presentation day. Calum, however, needed good grades to get the soccer scholarship he dreamed of.

So Calum naturally didn't want to distract Michael from the work he was doing, but he just couldn't forget what had happened a mere two hours ago. Luke Hemmings had approached Michael after music class and had asked him if he would want to do the project with him.

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