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Hi peeps!

I wish you a late merry christmas and already a happy new year! Can you believe it is the last day of the decade? Wow, time flies by.

Anyways, here's a little something for you. I have edited and basically re-written my 5sos Harry Potter fanfic. I am very proud of ti and think if you like my oeshots, you'll like my Hogwarts book too. Here is a sneak peak of the book. Head over to "Hogwarts - Cake Hoodings" on my rofile if you like this part! There is plenty more where this came from!

Enjoy and thanks for your support!

Love, Marie

Luke cuddled deeper into his sweater and watched the raindrops race down the glass. He could already see his destination, Kings Cross Station, at the digital screen which showed the next stops. It wouldn't be long now, and Luke smiled.

It wasn't school he was so excited about, it was seeing his friends again. Especially his best friend, Calum Thomas Hood, tough captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team but secretly softest boy on earth. Sure, they had seen each other during summer holidays, but only briefly. Three times, to be precise. Calum lived up in the countryside while Luke lived in an orphanage in central London. It takes three hours to get to each other's and Calum had come down to see him twice. He had refused to let anyone come to his house though, Luke knew Calum had difficult parents but it seemed to be worse than Luke was suspecting. So the boys had sticked to facetime, calls and chats. But now Luke was thrilled to be reunited with Calum. Two month had been a long time.

Luke switched the song blasting through his headphones to a softer song from his fall playlist. The windows of the bus slowly started to fog up and his eyes glided down the rows of muggles in the bus. He wondered how many Hogwarts students were in here, probably a handful. He couldn't make out any familiar faces though.

Another thing Luke was looking forward to at Hogwarts was having his Grandma in walking distance again. Hogwarts was like coming home, though Luke always had a problem with the word home. He didn't know what home was for him exactly.

It could be the orphanage that he grew up in.

His parents were two of the hundreds of victims who had died serving in the Battle Of Hogwarts that marked the end of the second Wizarding War. They had been part of an underground organization operating against the government under Voldemort and therefore had had quite a few enemies. But also a lot of friends and acquaintances in the so called 'Order Of The Phoenix'. One of them had been Minerva McGonagall, a woman who now was in her late seventies and headmistress of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had been the one who had picked out the orphans home for Luke when he was only a week old and ever since then she had had a special interest in Luke's well being. She had come to see him more and more often and finally decided to take legal guardianship for him when Luke had been two years old and asking her if she was his grandma, a word he had picked up among the other kids. McGonagall had smiled sadly and had replied that she wasn't, which had left Luke staring up at her with sad ocean eyes, asking if she could become his grandma then. And she had said yes, because, who else could be the little boys grandma if not her?

Luke saw McGonagall as his grandma in any way possible. She had always been there, for every single one of his firsts. And even if she couldn't always be there physically, due to having to run a school, she had always been there for him whenever he had needed something. Even now, she would still drop everything and come to the orphanage to be with him if needed, even though the 16 year old teenager now needed her less and less often. But Luke found comfort in the thought that someone was always there for him.

Since McGonagall was free of her duty as headmistress for a few weeks in the summer holidays too, they had made it a tradition to go on vacation once a year in the long summer break. This year they had spend two weeks in France, a place Luke had always wanted to see.

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