LIES - Muke

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If Michael thought too much about it, he felt like he was stuck in one of those stupid fanfictions hormonal teenage girls write when they have no social life. Or hormonal teenage boys.
The ones he sometimes read when it was late and he was on a Stan high.

But this wasn't a fanfiction. He couldn't skip to the next chapter to speed it up or avoid conflict.

He was sitting in science class, his best friend Calum next to him and his crush a few rows in front of him.

"Stop staring Mike, it's creepy," Calum whispered.

"He literally can't see me he sits with his back to us so where's the problem?!," Michael argued.

Calum sighed.

"You stare so obvious that everyone can see it. People are gonna tell him if you don't stop," Calum whispered back.

Michael rolled his eyes but began to copy the notes from the board.

"I don't even get why you crush on him so hard.. I mean before you two got teamed up for that english project you haven't even noticed him..," Calum said as they made their way to the schools exit after the lesson.

"He's hot," Michael shrugged, "and nice."

Calum rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else.

"MICHAEL," they heard someone yell. When he turned around Luke stood in front of him, hands braced on his knees and panting. "Houuuuu shit I need to get in shape again."

"Hi Luke," Michael smiled.

"Hi Michael.. uhm hi Calum," Luke said awkwardly.

Calum just raised his eyebrow.

"I swear to god if you keep sassing everything that moves I'm gonna..," Michael hissed and Calum put his hands up in surrender.

"I'm waiting in the car," he said and left.

"Sorry about him," Michael smiled small.

"It's okay," Luke smiled back.

"So why did you run a half marathon to catch me before I leave...?," Michael asked.

"Oh uhm.. because of the project. I think we should meet up after school tomorrow, we barely have anything and we need to hand it in next Friday...," Luke said.

"Ohhh uhmm yeah.. I-I b-but we can't meet at my h-house," Michael stuttered nervous.

"That's okay, you can just come over to mine," Luke frowned slightly at the older boys behavior.

"Okay yeah," Michael smiled small.

"Okay so tomorrow after school at my house. See you," Luke smiled and winked.

"Yeah see you," Michael said blushing as he watched Luke leave.


"Why do you hate him so much?," Michael muttered while he and Calum drove home.

"I don't hate him. I just don't want him to hurt you," Calum said, eyes focused on the road.

"He won't," Michael said.

"How do you know?," Calum threw up one hand, the other still gripping the steering wheel.

"I just know!," Michael snapped.

"Look, Mike, you went through so much shit. You deserve some happiness more than anyone. But... I ams cared he's gonna be a dick about everything," Calum said carefully.

"Well, I won't know if I don't go for it, right?," Michael argued.

"Well, did you tell him about your past and current situation yet?," Calum asked.

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