295 5 3

explicit language
major character death
guns/ weapons


Short summary:

The country has been taken over by a fascistic dictator. An underground movement has formed and operates from a base underground to free the country. Calum is one of the best fighters in the resistance and has no distractions or weaknesses. Until a blonde lanky man stumbles into his life and suddenly, he has so much to lose.

Yeah. Is this me casually killing off half the band? Maybe.


Calum joilted awake but ignored the urge to sit up straight in his bed.

That's one thing he had learned over the last four years. Though it had taken him a while to not jump out of his skin every morning when the sirens cut through the silence to wake up every inhabitant of the underground bunker tunnels. Well, everyone except for Michael Clifford, who spent most of his free time time on cleaning duty because he overslept.

Calum rolled out of bed and landed on his feet in one smooth motion. Another skill he had picked up since he had joined the revolution four years ago.

He collected this cargo pants off the floor and grabbed a fresh pair of underwear before he disappeared into his tiny adjacent bathroom which was just big enough for a shower, a toilet and a small basin.
The shower every morning wasn't just necessary, it was mandatory in the organization that simply called themselves 'the rebels'. Not very creative, Calum admitted, but since they were underground fighters fighting against someone who called himself "the emperor", he though the name was fair.

Calum didn't take long to finish his shower since he kept his hair shoven close to his skull, and stepped back out into his tiny room to yank on his cargo pants and an olive green shirt.
He slipped into his combat boots and tossed his rough army jacket over his shoulder before securing his weapons belt to his hip and leaving the room.

Like every morning, he stopped at the door across the hall and knocked once before entering.
Locked doors were a luxury that had no place in the resistance. The base could be found any second and in case of an emergency, like a bomb being dropped on them, they'd have to evacuate in seconds. Locked doors were an unnecessary obstacle.

Calum pushed the door open and closed it behind him.
"Haaallluuuumm Hoooooooowwwwd," he heard Luke shout from the bathroom and seconds later, the familiar freckled face appeared in the doorframe. He grinned around the toothbrush jammed between his teeth.

"You got two minutes," Calum muttered after checking his watch, "Hurry the fuck up."

Luke rolled his eyes and disappeared back into the bathroom while Calum fell backwards on Luke's bed, sighing contently.

"Mate, what the fuck, get your dirty shoes away from my bed," Luke shouted immediately after stepping out of the bathroom and yanked Calums feet from his duvet.

"Chill dude," Calum snickered.

"Nouuu," Luke pouted while pulling his jacket from the closet, "No shoes on my bed."

Calum grinned but kept his mouth shut in favour of watching Luke crouch down to tie up his boots. Luke was still only in his cargo pants, a white tank top and now his boots. His blonde curls were spilling on his forehead and going every direction, some of them still dark and wet at the ends from the shower.

Calum wondered how much longer it would take Luke to figure out that hair that wasn't shaved short was as much an obstacle in the resistance as locked doors were. He hoped the day would not be soon.

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