ABUSED - Malum

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Trigger warning abuse, selfharm depression


POV Michael

I made my way to the dressing room where Zoe, our make up and dressing artist waited for me. We consider her our "band mom".

"Hey sweetie, I want to do your hair now," she smiled at me.

I smiled at her, nodded and sat down on a chair in front of a big mirror.

"So, how are you doing?," she asked me while she tried to style my wild lilac hair.

"Uhmm okay I guess," I answered emotionless.

"I'm sorry hun, that was a stupid question," Zoe mumbled and gave me a sympathetic look.

Zoe was the only person who knew about me being stuck in an abusive relationship.

Toby and me were dating for over a year now and in the beginning he was the sweetest boyfriend someone could ask for.

But that changed about six month ago when he started getting drunk everyday and then come home to beat me up and force me to have sex with him.

I told Zoe a few weeks ago because she wouldn't stop asking about the blue and purple marks on my body.

Ever since I told her, she tried to bring me to talk to someone to get help. But I wanted to get out of the situation alone since I was scared and ashamed.

But the truth is I was too weak to do this alone.

The other boys didn't know about my situation. They thought Toby was a great guy and the perfect boyfriend for me. I didn't blame them though, Toby had something about him that made it easy for people to like him.

Plus, the others never got to see my injuries. I was wearing black jeans and hoodies ever since it started.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to anyone, Mikey? I am sure all of the others would help you instantly," Zoe asked concerned.

"No it's fine," I said and sent her a sad smiley.

She continued to do my hair.

"Mikey, honey, it will be very hot in the TV studio today... Could you wear a shirt?," Zoe asked carefully.

I bit his lip and shook his head.

Zoe gave up on my hair and sighed.

"Michael Clifford, get up and pull off your sweater," she demanded in the so called 'mother voice'.

There was the mom again.

I sighed and got up before tugging my hoodie over my head.

I heard a gasp from Zoe the moment she saw my bruised chest and stomach.

She slowly exclaimed the injuries on my body while my mind kept racing.

I knew I had to end things with Toby.

But I was afraid of him.

I knew I needed help.

But I was too embarrassed to talk to any of my friends.

I was stuck in this situation with no exit.

My mind kept drifting to the following evening when Toby would come home drunk again.

I didn't know I started crying until a tear dropped from my cheek onto my bruised arm.

Zoe looked up at me and her eyes softened immediately.

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