Jeff's brother

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Jeff's pov:

"Jane, truth or dare?" Yea if you couldn't guess we've been playing truth or dare. Hoodie was the last chosen and directed it to Jane. "Truth." Of course , Jane never knows how to have fun. "Who did you have a crush on before Jeff happened?" Oo this should be interesting and potential blackmail. "This should be good." Ben laughed. Ever since Ben joined us, he really came out of his shell. Gone with the shy quiet kid, and in with a outgoing courageous kid. Ben really grew up. He no longer reminds me of my ever so shy and quiet brother... "Uh... well it was a kid named Dan." Jane was cherry red. Heh might be able to use that. "Alright, your turn Jane." Hoodie settled against the wall on the top of the couch that Sally dared us all to settle on. Slender would kill us if he found out. "Cool, hrmmm who to chose." Jane gazed out at the rest of us. This should be interesting. Eventually she landed her gaze or should I say glare at this point on me. Huh wonder what she has in store? "Jeff, truth or dare." Jane's voice held a venomous tone to it. Whatever she has in mind it's either really good or really bad. Probably the latter. "Dare, I'm not a baby like you." Hah she didn't like that, her glare became ten times stronger if that was even possible, before smirking. "Fine, tell us what was your DEAD brother's name." Ben immediately winced at the dare. He was one of the only people who truly understood what the mention of Liu did. But, I had a reputation to live up to. "Liu Vicki Woods, big deal. Geez I thought you could do better Jane." I drawled out. Hiding the guilt and grief that came crashing in. It's been three years since I've last said Liu's name. When I finally confessed about Liu to Ben. Seven years since I've killed him........ seven painful years since I've seen him. "Wait you have a brother?" L.J asked. "Had a brother, I had one." My heart squeezed painfully at the reminder. There are times where I have expect to find Liu hanging upside down with a book. But.... I'll never see that again. Not in real life that is. "What happened Jeff?" Candypop asked from his place by L.J. Ben glanced at me, silently asking me if he needed to shut it down. "I killed him along with my parents." Best get the truth out, better than avoiding it for the next month. "W-wait he's d-dead?" Sally stammered. Dang it I forgot about her, and from the looks of it everyone else did too. "Come here Sally." Ben reached out to comfort the fellow seven year old. "He's probably in a better place now Sal." I reached out and patted her head. Liu would've liked Sally, and Ben. "After all he did for you... you killed him. Is that just your way of saying thanks?" Jane snapped. She was obviously more upset over what happened to her than Liu's fate. She was just using him to express her own. That alone sent my blood boiling. Liu should never NEVER just be used like that! "Alright that's enough!" All eyes landed on Ben. All expect mine. Ben hated yelling, it reminded it of his father. So he rarely did so himself. Using the distraction I slid my hood over my head. My now raven black hair covered parts of my face. Hiding the pained look that was definitely there.

Ben's pov:

Glancing at Jeff, I see he used my distraction to hide his expression. Only me and Slender knew how sensitive of a topic Jeff's brother is. Liu.... until just now Jeff never spoke his name. But why does it sound familiar? Like I've heard it before? That's when I noticed everyone was still staring in disbelief. Glancing down I saw that Sally's mouth was making a perfect O. "Stop staring, I got tired of Jane and Jeff's fighting. Don't we all?" I was getting tired of this. Everyone nodded and went back to the game. No one but me realizing that Jeff disappeared.

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