Meeting Sully

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Liu's pov:

I moved away from Jeff a little so Sully had enough room. "A-alright go ahead." I didn't bother thinking it and just said it. 'Finally you take forever!' Classic Sully. I felt Sully go silent as the black mist left my body forming into Sully's figure. When it finished the mist vanished leaving the black n' white version of me, Sully. Who as always had a ticked off look on his face.

Jeff's pov:

Liu moved away from me a bit. "A-alright go ahead." I was shocked by the fact Liu didn't seem to be talking to anyone. Only to be further shocked by a black mist coming off of Liu and going to a figure. A human figure showed up, and after it did the mist vanished. I looked to see a figure of Liu in black and white. And they looked pissed off. "J-Jeff this is Sully. S-Sully this Jeff." Liu introduced us both to the other. I noticed how Liu kept an eye on Sully. "Uh nice to meet you Sully."

Sully's pov:

"Uh nice to meet you Sully." Jeff said. "Heh, wish I could say the same." I said ignoring being polite. This bastard tried to kill Liu! To kill us! Yet here we are! "S-sorry.... about him.." Liu apologized about me. 'Heh I'm just getting started.' If I can't kill him I can at least make him miserable.

Liu's pov:

A soon as Sully came out he started doing his thing. I'm used to his banter, but Jeff isn't. 'Sully I know you hate Jeff. But please be nice.' 'Like heck I will. He tried to kill you Liu!' 'It's not his fault!' 'Not his fault? NOT HIS FAULT! LIU HE TRIED TO KILL YOU! HE ALMOST DID! THERE'S NO FUCKING EXCUSE!' Sully yelled into my head. When Sully yells in my head it's stronger than outside so it hurts a lot worse. And Sully knew it too. Wincing I grabbed my head from the pain of Sully's yelling. "Liu? What's wrong?" Jeff asked me. He pulled me into another hug and tilted my head up so  he can look at me eye to eye. "N-nothing."

Jeff's pov:

Both Liu and Sully went silent while looking at each other. It was kinda creepy. They did this until Liu broke the gaze by grabbing his head with both hands wincing. Meanwhile Sully looked smug about something. "Liu? What's wrong?" I pulled Liu into yet another hug and tilted his head so he'd look at me. "N-nothing." Liu said not meeting my gaze. 'Somethings never change I guess.' I knew when Liu was lying because he wouldn't meet anyone's gazes. Especially mine. I sighed and let the topic drop for the time being. I just pull Liu closer to me, and sent Sully a warning glare. I had a feeling he did something. Sully held my gaze and sent me his own warning glare.

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now