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Liu's pov:

Slowly the tranquilizer darts' effect ran out. I woke up in a plain white room, with a simple white bed. Painstakingly familiar. 'N-no please no!' I immediately wrapped my arms around myself. 'I-it's back... T-their back!' I can't do this again! Calm down Liu. I know your scared but you need to keep your head. "S-Sully?" I wanted to scream his name but I managed just to mummer it. 'Calm down Liu, you don't want to pass out again.' Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it go, "R-right..." My hand unconsciously went to my scarf thankfully still wrapped around my neck. While my other hand still maintained the grip arm my arm. Slowly pushing myself off the bed I stood and began to pace around the room. 'What we going to do Sully?' Sully went silent but replied after my 3rd circuit around the room. 'In your right sleeve there's a hidden pocket check to see if there's still a knife there.' Moving my hand away from my scarf, I looked for any cameras. 'I can't there's a camera..' 'shit...' Returning my hand to my scarf I made a fist ignoring the rough fabric. Changing my course I went to the corner by the bed and leaned against the wall while mummering. "Breath Liu breath... it'll be fine." Sliding down the wall, I curled myself into a ball, and continued mummering.

Sully's pov:

Liu's mummering quickly reached me. Quietly assuring himself that it'll be oh kay. 'You said there's a camera right?' 'Yea...' with a camera it might be weeks before we get out. 'Liu wait till it gets dark, it might be dark enough for them not to see you.' Liu's mummering stopped as he took in the plan. 'You sure that they'll actually turn off the light?' Dang it he's got a point, they didn't last time. 'It's worth a try.' 'I guess...' Liu moved his hand from his scarf and wrapped it around him. Liu continued to burry his head in his arms. I always wondered Liu's comfort item choice... for as long I remember Liu's scarf was his comfort item. Not my place to judge though, after all Liu has been through it's good that his comfort item was at least portable. We never truly know when Liu is gonna panic, so it helps it's close. 'Don't worry we'll get out soon Liu.'

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now