Liu and Sully

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Liu's pov:

I woke up to Sully continuously saying my name. 'Liu! Liu! Come on are you awake yet?!' I sat up and held my head in my one hand. 'Yes Sully, I'm awake..... Now what the heck happened?' Opening my eyes, I waited for my vision to clear. 'I was hoping you'd know, because that werid guy that was in your cell did something but I have no clue what!' Werid guy in the cell. "Sully what are you-" my vision cleared while I was saying that. I was expecting to be in the cell at the asylum.... But I was in my room? "S-Sully..... d-did.... you do s-something?" Please just please tell me this was Sully! Please tell me he took control and got out! My arms immediately went around me, I noticed that my clothes were different. Instead of the jacket I was wearing when they found me... I was wearing the white hoodie I had. 'Sully would never choose this... it would remind him of Jeff..' 'Yea no kidding Sherlock!' This is really starting to creep me out! 'S-Sully? What's going on?' 'I don't know much..' 'Then tell me what you know!' My breathing was becoming rapid, if I wasn't careful I'd have a panic attack. Which is not what I needed.

'Alright alright! Just calm down!' Struggling to follow Sully's request, I tried to calm myself back down. My hand went to where my scarf normally is and thank goodness it was still there. My hand curled around it, I was able to find enough strength to calm back down. 'Alright, what's going on?' 'Well there was this guy who somehow got in your cell. He walked towards us, and forced you too look at him. Then, these werid tentacle things came out of his back. You were gonna say something or scream, but one of the tentacles went around your mouth. While a few others went around our arms and legs. One tentacle went to your head. Then you just blacked out! I've been able to talk to you till now. Also are you oh kay?'

'I-I'm alright Sully....' How? That cell was locked up pretty tight, and what about those tentacles things Sully mentioned? 'I-is... there anything else I need to know?' 'Yea.... that same guy got to the woods, he brought you here. I felt someone invade your mind, so I'm thinking that's was him and how he known about the forest.' Invade my mind...? H-how? Why? What does this person want from me? Is he with the asylum just trying to gain my trust and then backstab me?

'Do.... do you know if he's still here?' 'No sorry Liu.' 'Alright thanks for everything Sully..' 'Just... be careful.' 'Right.' I grabbed my knife from the nightstand drawer. Being as quiet as I could I snuck through the house. 'Someone's definitely been here..' Some things were moved from last time. And for some mess up reason, I smelled.... pancakes? 'What the actual heck!' Sully was just as confused as me.

Slenderman's pov:

I heard Liu's mind as he woke up. It seems that Liu indeed has a split personality. He's talking to him right now. 'Interesting.' I heard Liu's door open and close. It was quiet, a mortal would never hear it from my position. But I am no mortal. Liu's quiet footsteps reached my ears. But I focused on the food infront of me. 'I got to give it too him.. he's sneaky. Hopefully he'll give me a chance to explain.' There's no way he'll just come out so, I had to let him know I heard him. "You can come out child, I know you're there."

Liu's pov:

"You can come out child, I know you're there." A voice called out from the kitchen. 'Don't react. He might just be guessing.' Gosh I hoped so! Hiding behind the wall closest to me. I held my breath. I was scared he'd hear me. 'Who was this person?!' "You going to come out, or do I need to get you?" 'Sully, I think he knows..' 'No not yet Liu.'

Slenderman's pov:

Liu has yet to come out, probably waiting to see if I truly knew if he was there. Sighing I finished the two pancakes currently cooking and left the kitchen. Liu seemed to be in the hallway near his bedroom. So I went there. "You probably think I'm bluffing but I heard you." I walked to where Liu was and grabbed his wrist. Pulling him towards the kitchen. "H-hey! L-let me go!" Liu tugged at his wrist trying to break free. 'It seems like him and Jeff do have some similarities.' I pulled Liu in the kitchen and closed the door as soon as Liu was dragged in. I let go his wrist,and pointed to one of the chairs nearby. "Sit." "W-who are you?! A-and why are y-you in my h-house?!" Liu seemed to be panicking. "Sit down child." I was no longer asking, my patience was running thin. 'Yep he's just like his brother..' Jeff was more persistent but also demands answers.

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