Jeff and Liu prt 2

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Jeff's pov:

"I-I....It's a long storry." Liu is really unsure about this. 'Does he not trust me?' I can't blame of he doesn't.... I mean I did try to kill him. "Liu... I'm just worried about you. But if you need me to back off. Then I will." Yes I'm worried as heck about it him, but if Liu needs space, I'll give him space. "N-no n-no it's not that! I-it's just I'm not sure h-how to e-explain it..." I'm not gonna lie, I'm more than a little relieved that Liu just isn't sure how to explain it, and not that he doesn't want to talk to me. "The beginning is always a good place." I took Liu's hand again and directed him to the bed in the room. Him and I both sat down.

Liu's pov:

I really don't know how to talk about this. 'Just start at the hospital Liu.' 'Thanks Sully.' I took a dreath breath before starting.


I woke up in a blindingly white room. I had absolutely no idea what happened... truth be it I regret reminding. I heard someone come in and I see a nurse entering. "Holly heck, you're awake! It's good to finally see you up!" She exclaimed walking towards me. She reached up and placed her hand on my forehead. "W-what? W-wait... where's my parents? W-where's my brother?!" I felt my anxiety start to rise. Where's Jeff? Why am I in a hospital?! "Chill, it's alright." She pushed me back down on the bed. I didn't even realize that I sat up. "You're safe. You need to chill." What does she mean. "W-what do you m-mean s-safe?! "W-what's going on?!" Immediately the nurse froze. "You don't remember?" "R-rember what?" The nurse remained silent. "P-please w-what's g-going on?" She remained silent as I started crying. What's going on?! Why is she acting like this?! Where's my brother? Why am I even in a hospital?! I finally looked down to see bandages all over my hands, and chest. The nurse just leaves the room. My anxiety kept rising and rising and I couldn't stop it. I was defenseless against it. "Jeff.... please where are you?"

Eventually the nurse came back in with a doctor. He also didn't seemed fased by me just having a break down. "So Serana tells me you don't remember anything of the incident you were in." He held up a clip-board. "N-no? P-please... w-whats going on? W-where's my brother? Is he hurt too?!" Please tell me Jeff isn't hurt! The doctor ignored my questions and just turned to the nurse. "It's best for him to remember on his own. He's in denial of what happened. We may need to see about a therapist and possibly a mental hospital." The nurse just nodded and walked out with the doctor.

The next night I had a dream about what happened. I woke up screaming. The same nurse rushed in. "You remembered didn't you?" Slightly calming down I nodded slowly. "Well just remember you're safe from that monster. That bastard's never gonna get you here." "P-please don't call him that..." Despite everything, I hated the fact that she was calling Jeff a monster. "Oh sweetie you don't need to defend that monster. 'Kill her.' Something inside me said. In my messed up head, I felt like I should listen. So as she walked away I grabbed the scissors from a nearby table.... and finished her like the voice told me.

End of flashback

Jeff's pov:

"Later I found out that the voice was my split personality Sully... And well he's been here ever since." Liu mummered the last part through tears. I just sat there in shock. Liu's first kill was because he felt the need to defend me. Despite everything, I've done. "So you've had this guy for the past seven years?" "S-six, I was in a c-coma for a year." I nodded slowly as I processed everything. It explains that nurse's reaction in the beginning. Looking over at  my sobbing brother, my guilt resurfaced. I opened my arms wide. "Come here bud." Liu didn't need to be told twice and practically threw himself into my arms. "Ssssshhh it's oh okay. I'm here." I mummered gently while stroking my brother's hair.

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now