The Call

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Before I start the chapter no I couldn't think of a better name
Anyways onto the chapter.

Slenderman's pov:

It's been awhile since Jeff texted me asking if he got the right file. At first I wasn't worried certainly he'd need time to process what has happened and the general fact that his brother's still alive. But as time passed, worry was beginning to come. 'I'll check on Liu while I'm waiting..' I made my way back into Liu's room and entered. Liu was still "alseep", so I walked over to him. My mind was no longer clouded with questions or proceeding his memories so I noticed the patchs of dirt over Liu's clothes.. My mouth pinched in distaste. I hated messes. Picking Liu back up I changed him into a white hoodie, I found in his closest (essentially Liu's now wearing what he's wearing in the picture above) Once I was done I laid Liu back in bed.

Jeff's pov:

I probably should call Slender back.... I stood back up and grabbed my phone. 'No point in avoiding this.' One way or another I needed to know. Liu.... needed me to know. I called Slender and waited for him to pick up. All too soon he did. "Hey Slender?"
"Yes Jeffery."
"I uh.... read the file."
"Now I'm assuming you want to know what happened?"
"I....... no.. not from you."

Slenderman's pov:

"I...... no.. not from you."
Jeff's response shocked me. He was always the one to demand answers, it never mattered who gave them.
"I see..."
"It's nothing against you Slender, it's just....." Jeff's voice trailed off, but I didn't need him to finish it.
"You want Liu to tell the story." I finished for him.
"Yea.... I just feel like Liu should be the one to tell me this."
"I understand." I felt proud of Jeff for putting what his brother may need before his need for answers. It's certainly no easy feat. "Jeff, I need to stay a little while Liu, there are somethings I need to know. But I may see about bringing Liu to the mansion."
"He... probably hates me though." Jeff's guilt was clear in his voice. He truly regretted ever raising his knife to Liu.
"Actually he doesn't. I won't share anything else but Liu doesn't hate you."

Jeff's pov:

"Actually he doesn't. I won't share anything else but Liu doesn't hate you." It feels like someone took a heavy weight off my chest.
"Liu doesn't... hate me?" He has every right to though. Look what I put him through. Look at mess I started for him! I knew Slender wouldn't sugar coat situations like this. So I knew if he said that... then it's the truth.
"He doesn't. Now Jeff, I want this to stay quiet. So no telling anyone. Even Ben."
"Alright, I won't say anything." I knew Ben was going to question why Slender wanted me, but I could hide this from him. For now at least.
"Good bye Jeffery."
Cya you faceless tree."
Slender ended our call, and it felt like someone took away a huge weight on me. One I didn't even know was there. 'Please be able to come here. Please Slender.."

Slender's pov:

The call with Jeffery went better than I thought. Truth be it, I'm proud Jeff handled it how he did. He didn't demand, he asked. He put the needs of his brother first. And even understood any delays that can happen. It appears that Jeff is willing to act reasonable for once. The next step is just waiting for Liu to wake up. 'I just hope I didn't make any empty promises to Jeff."

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now