Jeff, Liu and Sully

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Sully's pov:

I made sure to stay on the sidelines while Liu talked to Jeff. Yes I was less then happy about this, but Liu and I had an agreement. And I knew that if I dropped my part, Liu would drop his. I also stayed out because I'm hoping this will help Liu. Every therapist that had been assigned to Liu while we were in an asylum said that inorder to heal, you need to talk. I doubt it's the truth, but I noticed Liu seemed a little bit better after he was done talking about it. Despite him crying like a little kid. But that's nothing new.... 'Can I come out yet? This entire hug fest is getting rather boring.' Liu's response was a chocked laugh. 'Can I check with Jeff please?' 'Fine.'

Jeff's pov:

I felt so bad for making Liu go through this all by himself. I was stuck in a hole of guilt and regret until a chocked laugh came from Liu. I quickly adjusted myself so I could look at him.  I stared questionly while wondering if he lost his mind. "S-sorry, it's j-just that S-Sully's getting bored, and w-wants out." Liu explained, while using his sleeve to wipe away his tears. "He wants to come out...?" I'm very lost. What does he mean come out? "S-Sully can t-temporarily leave my body and take f-form out here. W-we agreed that he c-can do that while w-we're here." Liu explained sensing Jeff's confusion. "Oh... do I need to go or?" I didn't want to make Liu or his split personality uncomfortable so. "N-no, you're g-gonna meet him eventually..."

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now