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???'s pov:

The boy in 107 woke up about an hour ago. They've been keeping information about this one a secret to a lot of the staff. All I knew is that whoever he is he has information about Jeff. That's why Slender sent us here. To figure out what he knew, and how. Then get rid of him. The people working on this said that the plan is to slowly build trust and then ask. Once the information is gathered, well then they'll kill him. We're supposed to "help" this, but truly we're going to sabotage it. Returning my gaze to the boy, I see he's barely moved. When he was pacing I saw brown hair, pale skin, and a scarred face. It looks like Jeff's work. One scar acrossed the mouth going into the cheeks, that's definitely his. The another scar went across his face in general, going to where the first started and went up, the rest was hidden by his hair. Smaller scars covered some other parts of his face but that's about it. Instead of the hospital gown that everyone else wears, this one's clothes are normal, a black jacket ending at the knees, a forest green shirt, blue jeans, sneakers. The only off putting aspect was the dark and light gray scarf wrapped around his neck. Who wears a scarf in September? "I got the files." My fellow impostor said walking in.

"Perfect, let's see what's so special about this kid." Opening the file I immediately saw that kid's name was gone. But thankfully everything else seemed to be here.

Name: blank

Age: 14

This patient has a split personality disorder, along with anxiety, and depression. Past attempts show that the patient gets overwhelmed easily and needs to be worked with at intervals, to be given enough time to return to a calm state. The patient is the only survivor of Jeff the Killer's attack on his family, a subject that is avoided with surprising stubbornness by the patient. The boy went under many surgeries due to his left lung collapsing, and his heart being in critical condition. The boy's doctor deemed it impossible for him to survive and shocked everyone when he pulled through. The nurse assigned to him was killed and was unable to be recognized. Then the patient was missing for a year. Ever since he's been in and out of mental hospitals. So far he has escaped every hospital he was put into. Sometimes a life is token during these events, but mainly only wounded. All the doctors agree that's there's barely any hope of restoring this patient's mental state. So they are gathering any information the authorities need to apprehend Jeff the Killer. Then they'll kill this patient as painlessly as possible.

"Well well well.... we may have discovered one of us." Definitely not a proxy but maybe a creepypasta. "Slender might wanna hear this."

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now