The faceless tree

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Slenderman's pov:

My spies contacted me last night with information and a possible theory. Rewatching the surveillance of Jeff's threat. Something struck me as familiar. The file seemed blank, leaving nothing about any of the boy's experiences. Leaving the boy's name and family unmentioned. And their just using him. Using him for information about my child, all because they deemed it almost impossible for this child's mental state to be restored. The thought was unjust and sent my blood boiling. And after all the needed information is gathered they'll kill him..... I've saved many of my children from simular positions. This kid does have a kill count. Maybe he can be a proxy? However that only depends on my theory and how much he truly knows about Jeff. The appearance, the few details about his encounter with Jeff. It's all too close to Jeff's last night with his family. The only way to be certain is to check the child's memory. It seems someone is going to a have a vist from the Slenderman.

Later that night

I informed my spies about my plan, and made sure to act when their shift was done. Sneaking past the human's security was child's play. 'Foolish mortals.' Soon enough I came to the child's room. Morphing into my human form, I warped inside the child's room. I find the child curled into a ball in the corner of the room. He seems unaware of my presence. Carefully making my way towards him, I tried to make my presence known so I don't startle him. It seems he noticed me because his hands went to relaxed to a fist. Kneeling down I looked at the child infront me. His face was hidden, and I noticed that he was shaking.

Liu's pov:

'Someone's here.' Great just what I need. 'Thanks Sully.' Truth be it I don't know what I'd do without Sully. Once we got use to one another, well he became my anchor. He keeps me safe..... like Jeff used to do. I heard the strangers foot steps cross the room. My hands curled into fists with the fabric of my jacket in them. The stranger's footsteps stopped infront of me.

Slenderman's pov:

The child's grip on himself tightened. 'He's bracing himself...' I wonder why. Well there's no way to get answers than to get his attention. I reached out my hand and placed it on his shoulder. The child jumped slightly underneath my hand. But other than that didn't react. I needed contact with his head to check his memories. So I had to get him to look at me. Removing my hand from his shoulder, I found his cheek and cupped it. Gently lifting his face up to meet my own. The boy's eyes widened obviously not expecting me.

Liu's pov:

The stranger held my gaze with one of his own. Raven black hair, light blue eyes, and almost white skin..... he looks scarily similar to  Jeff the night he stabbed me. 'W-what does he want?' Sully was on alert expecting almost anything. But nothing could of prepared us for what happened. Black tentacles came from his back, I was going to scream when one went over my mouth trapping any and all sound I could make. A few more trapped my arms and legs, trapping me where I was. 'W-what does he even want from me?!' 'LIU!' Sully screaming my name was the last thing I heard before it went black.

Slenderman's pov:

I felt bad about trapping and scaring the kid like this but I needed him to stay still. I directed one of my tentacles to his forehead and searched his memory. Once I was done I noticed the child fell unconscious sometime during my search. 'So I was right.....' I never thought in a thousand years that Jeff's brother would be alive. Jeff would be relieved if he found out. Hurting him was the only regret Jeff ever had. 'I can't just leave him here....' I learned that the child did have a home, and the doctors have yet to find him. But is that the best choice? I removed my tentacles from Liu's  limbs he slumped against the wall. Standing up I thought over my options. 'Either way I can't let him here, nor will I.' Leaning down I picked Liu up and stood back up. Liu's head fell against my shoulder. It all reminded me of when I first met Jeff. I also had to carry him. Jeff back then was broken, overwhelmed by guilt and grief. Jeff just realized what he did to his brother, the very one in my arms. What Jeff did, didn't kill him, but it definitely scared him, both physically and mentally. I imagined Liu's home in my head and teleported away.

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now