Arrival part 1

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Sorry in advance for the sloppiness of the introductions I hate doing those....

Slenderman's pov:

We're only two hours away from the mansion. The train should be stopping at any second now. I glanced over at Liu to see that he was fast asleep. And here I was thinking that the excitement would keep him awake. 'I just hope Sully doesn't try anything.' Besides having me break Liu's nose Sully has remained fairly calm. He came out to talk to a few times during the train ride but other than that didn't do anything. It was reassuring and worrying at the same time. It's good to know Sully cooled off and wasn't hurting Liu. But I'm concerned that he may be plotting something. The train slowing down snapped me out of my train of thought. Glancing out the window I saw that we're here. The Slenderman Woods. I gently shared Liu awake.

Liu's pov:

Gentle shaking drew me out of sleep. I woke up to see Slenderman  was the one shaking me. 'We're here.' I felt my nerves begin to get to me. After seven years... I'd finally see Jeff again. I was scared that he didn't want to see me. But I was excited about just seeing him again. 'Just don't get killed.' 'Seriously Sully?' 'Yes.' Why did I not see that coming. I grabbed my back and slung it over my shoulder before following Slenderman off the train. Hopefully this won't go bad.

Jeff's pov:

Today was the day. I was so nervous! I'm going to see Liu! I thought for the past seven years that he was dead, but he's not. Ignoring the glances everyone else shot at me, I left to see if I came meet Slender and Liu. Over the past few days everyone's been noticing how I was acting nervous. Heck even Toby did and he can pretty oblivious! And of course Masky's been suspicious and tried to grill me about why Slender called me and let me in his office. He thinks I know something about the new person. Which I do. He's my brother for Zalgo's sake! I looked around to see if I can see them but I didn't. I knew they were somewhere. 'Over here Jeff.' Despite not actually hearing Slenderman's voice it still has some kind of direction. It makes no sense, but it came in handy at points. Today was no exception. I ran off in the direction I heard Slender's voice.

3rd person's pov:

Liu could hear the sound of someone comming. Glancing at Slenderman who didn't look concerned at all. 'Realax it's Jeff.' Liu turned his head just in time to see Jeff come through a break in the trees. Both brothers froze. Seven years, this was there first time seeing each other in seven years. Neither one of them knew how to react. Or how to make the first move. Meanwhile a very smug Slenderman just stood ready to watch the show.

Jeff's pov:

I came through the trees and just full out froze. Liu was right there. Looking at me dead in the eye with the same shock I felt. Despite the changes, I know it's him. Liu's oak brown hair hang covering pieces of his face just like it always has. Light green eyes stared into my blue ones holding the same innocent and mild fear and curiosity they've always had. The only main difference was the scars that now covered Liu's face. And I recognized each and every one of them. Only because.... I caused them. That reminder is what froze me in place. 'Does Liu truly want me?'

Liu's pov:

'Something's coming from your left.' Thanks to Sully I turned my head just to see Jeff come through the trees. He looked exactly the same as last time I saw him. Raven black hair, white skin, and his cut smile in his face. Much like the one he gave me, only his didn't have black thread holding it together like I did. We both just froze. I wanted to run to him and hug him but I didn't know if that's what he wanted. He held my gaze and I held his. I rarely held people's gazes like this but I couldn't look away. "J-Jeff?" I said it as a question but it wasn't a question of if it was him.

Jeff's pov:

"J-Jeff?" Liu's quiet mummer broke me out the shock that froze me. He knew it was me just I knew it was him. "It's me Liu, it's me." I felt tears pool into my eyes. And I swear I saw the same thing in Liu's.

3rd person's pov:

The two brother rushed at each other and clashed in the middle. Each one hugged the other like it's the last time they'd ever see each other. "I-I missed y-you so much!" Liu cried into his brother's arms. "I've missed you too." Jeff was no exception to tears not today. He was also crying at the fact after seven years, he finally saw his little brother again. And his brother wanted to see him.

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