Killer's regret

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Jeff's pov:

Ever since Jane mentioned Liu the memories have been going through my head. Regret was heavy in my chest. 'Liu never did anything to deserve what I did.' Liu's death it was all my fault. I reached into a drawer on my nightstand and pulled out an abulm. I've long since removed any and all pictures of my parents, but I never had the strength to do that with Liu's pictures. Liu was my best friend, he stayed by me through thick and thin. Heck he even took the blame for what I did to Randy! And he was only 7! I flipped through the pictures until I found one with me and Liu.. (for my curious nonexistent readers it's the picture above.) Our parents got that photo without me realizing. Only Liu saw them. Still remember that day. Liu had an anxiety attack during school, so our parents pulled both of us out of school early. I wanted to head out so Liu came with me. The toy in his arms is the one I bought for him. I knew it wouldn't be a comfort item, that role was strangely given to Liu's scarf. But whatever helped Liu helped him, so I'd never mention it. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Liu, I'm so sorry...." I whispered. I didn't deserve to even be reliving those days. I was the reason Liu was dead for Zalgo's sake! Knocking on my door interrupted my walk down memory lane. I hid the abulm under my bed, and wiped the tears off my face. "Yea?" Ben peeked his head in the room. "Hey uh Jeff, Slender called me and wants to talk to you." "Uh alright I'm coming." I slid off of my bed and followed Ben to his room. "Here." Ben handed me his phone and left. 'Wonder why he didn't just wait till he came back?' "Slender?" I said.
"Soo what's so important that you couldn't wait till you got back."
"Well Jeffery I have news for you."
"Don't call me Jeffery you faceless tree. And what's so important?"
I heard Slender take a breath.
"Well, it's about your brother..."
"W-wait what are you talking about? L-.....Liu's dead."
"Apperently not."
"Wait....... WHAT!"
"Listen, long story short, there was someone who knew something about you, that's why I left for a few days. And I found out that someone is Liu."
"He's.....alive?" I couldn't believe it. Liu.. my Liu was alive?! How! A million questions came rushing to my head. "Where is he?! Is he oh kay?!" The list of questions continued.

Slenderman's pov:

Jeff's questions came faster than I could answer them. It makes sense, Jeff found out his brother was alive. The only kill Jeff regretted, wasn't successful. Either way I had some explaining to do. "Liu's with me right now. He seems unharmed. But....." This wasn't going to be an easy topic.

Jeff's pov:

"Liu's with me right now. He seems unharmed. But....." Slender went quiet. Dread quickly filled me. What happened to him?!
"But what?"
"Physically Liu seems fine but not mentally.... They were holding him in a mental hospital."
"W-what?" My voice was barely above a whisper. Why was Liu in a mental hospital? Was it because of his anxiety? Did that get worse? Was that my fault?! Or did something else completely happen?
"Jeff, in my office there's a folder on my desk. It should be at the top. I want you to read that. Call me back when you do."
"Right...." Slender and I hung up. I felt like I was going to burst so I tried to hurry back to my room. Thank Zalgo it was directly across from Ben's. I hurried up to close and lock my door, before leaning against the door. My legs gave out so I landed on the floor. 'Why.... why would Liu need to be at a mental hospital? What happened to my little brother? 'Well there's only one way to find out...' I had to read the file in Slender's office. Steeling my resolve I got up and unlocked my door. Walking out I made my way to Slender's office. Walking through the living room I went towards the stairs that go to Slender's office. "What you doing Jeff?" Sally paused her tea party with Lazari to ask. Masky, and Hoodie also directed their attention towards me. "I gotta go to Slender's office Sal." I was in a hurry so I wanted this to end. "Jeff, nobodies allowed in Slender's office without his permission." Masky took a step towards me. "Well I got that, of you don't believe me ask Ben or Slender. Cuz I don't care!" "Fine I will." Masky pulled out his phone, probably to text Slender. I leaned against the railing. 'I'm so not in the mood.' After a little Masky put his phone away and walked away. "Told you." I mummered. I speed walked up the stairs and entered Slender's office. There was only one file on his desk. I grabbed the file and sent Slender a picture asking if this was the right one. Slender offered me information about Liu, there's no way I'm screwing this up. I got his confirmation and opened the file.

Name: blank

Age: 14

This patient has a split personality disorder, along with anxiety, and depression. Past attempts show that the patient gets overwhelmed easily and needs to be worked with at intervals, to be given enough time to return to a calm state. The patient is the only survivor of Jeff the Killer's attack on his family, a subject that is avoided with surprising stubbornness by the patient. The boy went under many surgeries due to his left lung collapsing, and his heart being in critical condition. The boy's doctor deemed it impossible for him to survive and shocked everyone when he pulled through. The nurse assigned to him was killed and was unable to be recognized. Then the patient was missing for a year. Ever since he's been in and out of mental hospitals. So far he has escaped every hospital he was put into. Sometimes a life is token during these events, but mainly only wounded. All the doctors agree that's there's barely any hope of restoring this patient's mental state. So they are gathering any information the authorities need to apprehend Jeff the Killer. Then they'll kill this patient as painlessly as possible.
(Yes it's the same thing from the Asylum chapter)

As soon as I finished reading my legs once more gave out on me. I flopped on the floor with Liu's file in my hand. Anger, guilt, grief, and disbelief flooded in my chest and mind. Those...... those bastards wanted to kill Liu..... all because of this! 'Liu has a split personality... and it's all my fault!" I dropping the file, I gripped my head, trying to wrap my head around it all. Liu has depression problems?! And a split personality?! That all on top of his anxiety! And.. and my brother, my innocent little brother killed someone?! Many multiple someone's! 'What has happened to my little brother?!'

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now