The exchange

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Alright uh quick note, the art above is actually mine. Idk why it's sideways.... erm sorry about that. Yea there's more to it but it's trashy so I didn't include it. ANYWAYS ONTO THE STORY! I HAVE CURSED YOU WITH MY CURSED PIECE!

Slenderman's pov:

Liu shakily explained Sully. 'So he was the one who said that...' (quick author's note, you'll learn about Sully when Liu and Jeff talks.) Truth be it, Liu's explanation explained a lot, but left me with a few questions. But Liu probably was put through enough for time being. Now I had to tell him about Jeff. "Liu?"
"There's one more thing you and I have to discuss.
" "W-what would t-that be?"
"Your brother."

Liu's pov:

"Your brother." Out of all the things I was expecting Jeff was not one of them. 'Why would we talk about that bit-' 'You finish that you're not getting control for a week!' 'Fine...' I wonder how Jeff's even doing... I haven't seen him in seven years. And for good reason. Yea.... Jeff stabbed me... but it's not his fault. Jeff was just... lost. I never went looking for him because... well I don't want Sully to hurt him.. 'Ha! Lost?! You're just too much of a wimp to say it! He stabbed us! There's no excuse!' 'S-Sully! It's not Jeff's fault!' 'SHUT UP!'

Slenderman's pov:

At the mention of Jeff, Liu went silent. He may be talking to Sully. After a bit Liu winced and had his hands over his ears. Concerned I walked over to Liu and kneeled to check on him. "You alright Liu?" I placed both of my hands on his shoulders. Liu jumped slightly but shakily replied.
"Y-yea I.... i-it's just that.... I-I d-don't think I c-can see J-Jeff if that's what you want...."
"Your scared about what Sully will do huh?" Liu definitely wanted to see Jeff. But Sully held him back. He held him back because Liu was scared of hurting Jeff. Liu nodded and buried his face in his hands.
"I-I d-don't w-want t-to h-h-hurt him!"

Liu's pov:

Slenderman was right. I was scared, no terrified of Sully hurting Jeff. I nodded because I don't think I could talk. Burying my face in my hands, I tried not to cry. "I-I d-don't w-want t-to h-h-hurt him!" 'He deserves to be hurt idiot!' "S-SHUT U-UP S-SULLY!"

Slenderman's pov:

"S-SHUT U-UP S-SULLY!"Liu was sobbing at this point. I felt guilty. I offered the thing Liu wanted to most and either way it's just... torn away from him. I pulled Liu into a hug. "We'll work something out. I promise." Liu curled his hand in my jacket. "Shshh it's gonna be alright." I moved my one hand to Liu's head.

Liu's pov:

Slenderman pulled me into a hug, I never knew I needed. His hand rested on the back of my head, stroking it gently. "Shshh it's gonna be alright." "I-.. I w-want to see him.. b-but I-I c-can't." I buried my head in Slenderman's jacket. 'Stop being a baby!' "S-SULLY SHUT U-UP!"

Slenderman's pov:

Liu was sobbing in my jacket... "Liu.... Look at me." Liu wiped his eyes with his sleeve before meeting my gaze. "Jeff wants you as much as you want him. I know that Jeff won't let Sully get in between you two. We'll work something out." "H-how?! H-how is he g-gona stop him?! H-how is g-gonna s-stop m-me?!" Liu once more buried his face in his hands. I wanted to say something to comfort him. But I don't know Liu well enough to know what he needs said. "What if you came to visit? And we had a room where you could just go into?"

Liu's pov:

"B-but wouldn't I be b-betraying Sully?" 'Heck yeah you would!' I wanted to see Jeff but.... despite everything I need to keep Sully best interests in mind too.."S-Sully?" I pulled away from Slenderman. 'What?' "D-do you t-think we c-could bargin about this?"

Sully's pov:

Bargaining was something we did fairly often. If I wanted something from Liu, I'd bargin with him about it. As much as I hated Jeff.... well Liu really wanted to see him. And I want Liu to be happy for once. 'What do you have in mind Liu?' I don't want Liu to go. But I'd at least hear him out. 'W-well... if you let me go with out k-killing J-Jeff... y-you.... *sigh* y-you c-can h-have control for a week...' Liu didn't say the bargin aloud. I mean it makes sense why, that Slenderman guy would definitely not approve of this. I thought it over. It would be fun to in control for a week. I could get a lot of killing done. And who knows maybe...... maybe seeing Jeff with actually help Liu. 'Fine you can go but, instead of the week, let's do something else.' "W-what do you mean?" This is definitely not something I could just do in Liu's mind. 'Liu go into another room. I want to say this when I'm actually infront of you.' The things I do for him...

Slenderman's pov:

I watched Liu and Sully's exchange with interest. Bargaining with each other is definitely a good choice. Better than just forcing each other's will over the other. But it seems that also seems to happen often. Strangely Liu didn't say his offer aloud. 'That probably means it's something bad.' I could just tap into Liu's mind, but this is probably private, so I'd keep my senses to myself. "Uh S-slenderman?"
"Yes Liu?"
"Sully w-wants me to go another r-room. So I'm gonna do that."
"Very well." I wonder what's going on between them.

Liu's pov:

Thankfully Slenderman didn't ask questions. I went into my room and closed the door behind me. "A-alright Sully." Black mist came from my body and formed into Sully. Sully looked like me but just in black and white. "S-so w-what d-do you want to c-change?"

Sully's pov:

It felt good to be outside of Liu's body. 'I don't understand why we don't do it more often...' I guess neither one of us truly thought about it. "Instead of the week, how about only three days, and you have to let me out like we are now while you're there."

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now