Arrival part 3

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Time for me to write introductions..... I apologize if their rushed and bad!

Liu's pov:

Jeff, Masky, Hoodie and Slenderman lead me to a huge mansion. 'Holly shit!' 'This place is huge..' 'Yea. Welp we're bound to get lost.' 'Yea we're screwed.' We arrived at the front and Jeff turned around. "If you get overwhelmed just let me know. Alright?" "Y-yea.." "Alright. Just please don't force yourself."Jeff more mummered that part. Before taking my hand and walking inside. Immediately a pink and brown blur zoomed towards Slenderman. "SLENDY YOU'RE HOME!"

Jeff's pov:

As soon as we stepped inside Sally made her presence known. I can't really blame her Slender has been gone for awhile now. And Sally is close to him. 'Yes Sally I'm back.' Slender knelt down to her level (or at least as close as he could get) and patted the top of her head. I glance over to Liu to seem him looking as Sally a little worried and confused. His grip was slightly tighter in my hand. I lowered my voice so only he could hear me. "Don't worry that's normal for her. Also are you alright?" Liu didn't respond but just slightly nodded. It was just then that Sally noticed Liu. "Slendy who's that?" Sally said as she pointed to Liu. I looked to see that E.J, L.J, Ben, and a couple others joined us and were also looking curiously at Liu. Ben caught my gaze and sent me a questioning glance at me before directing his gaze to my hand that was still holding Liu's. I looked over at Liu.

Liu's pov:

'Don't hyperventilate. Breath Liu.' There's too many people right now. Normally if they weren't looking at me I'm fine but everyone was looking at me. I felt ten times smaller. "Wait... Liu?!" I glanced up to see a girl with black hair, a white mask with black eyes, and a black dress. 'She must like black.... Just a hunch.'

Jeff's pov:

Of course. Of course Jane decided to make an appearance. I held back a smirk at the shock and rage she was displaying though. 'Heh can't use the fact that he's dead if he's not huh?' "It appears that Liu is not dead now is he." I drawled out. Purposely trying to get on her nerves. 'Enough both of you. Yes the new arrival is Jeff's brother. I know some of you are unaware of this fact but I expect you all to behave and treat Liu respectfully.' Woah Slender's being a bit protective. I looked out and wanted to burst out laughing everyone's jaw was wide open. "Alright first off HOW IN THE NAME OF ZALGO DOES JEFF HAVE A BROTHER?! AND HOW THE HECK IS HE ALIVE!" Zero screeched. I glance at Liu and notice that he's shaking, and a little on the pale side. I also noticed how Ben shot me a 'we are definitely talking later' look. "Hey Slender. I'm gonna show Liu to his room alright." 'Very well Jeffery.' "It's Jeff you dumb fu-" I stopped halfway through remembering that Liu's here. 'Don't swear. Don't swear.' I motion Liu to follow me as I lead him upstairs.

Jane's pov:

I don't believe it. Liu is alive! I thought that Jeff killed him. I thought only I lived Jeff's attacks on anyone! But here there he was. Right there! Right infront of me! This changes a lot. Good or bad. We'll see.

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