Jeff and Liu

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Hey my nonexistent readers! Before I start this chapter, I've been reading some oneshots about Liu and Jeff. And I kinda want to try. So uh if IF anyone's reading and has any ideas. Let me know! If I use them, I'll try to remember to include any names! ANYWAYS onto the chapter!

Jeff's pov:

I already knew where Liu was staying. He was on the floor above me. So it was easy to lead him there. Glancing back I saw that Liu didn't really seem to be paying attention. Like he's lost in thought. 'Is.... he oh kay?' I'm getting worried about him. His limit seems a lot shorter than it was. I know it's been seven years, and I don't know how he's been living for that time. But it worried me. I opened the door and directed Liu inside before closing it behind me. "Liu....?"

Liu's pov:

"Liu....?" Jeff quietly saying my name drew me out of my conversation with Sully. 'Rude... he interrupted me.' 'He probably doesn't know you exist Sully.' 'WHY YOU LITTLE SHIT!' I flinched slightly from Sully's yelling. "Liu? What's wrong?" Jeff's voice had worry all through it. 'Ha like he's actually concerned!' "N-nothing Jeff. I'm fine." Apperently Jeff took it the wrong way. "Yea cuz you flinch over nothing! Liu I'm not an idiot! Just tell me!" 'Well this is escalating quickly!' 'Nows not the time Sully.' "J-Jeff there's n-nothing wrong!"

Jeff's pov:

"J-Jeff there's n-nothing wrong!" At this point I wasn't sure if he was lying or telling the truth. I knew Liu well enough to know that if he was truly wrong he'd show a sign. Or well.... I used to. 'Hear him out Jeff.' I took a deep breath and a step back. "Alright fine, if you're fine. Then why did you flinch?"

Liu's pov:

I froze unsure how to answer Jeff. I'm not sure if I should tell him about Sully just yet. 'He's gonna find out eventually Liu.' 'Yeah... I guess you're right.' I look down unsure how to start. "Liu?" Jeff said gently. "I-I........ I-it's a long story..."

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now