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I just realized I have to write introductions soon...... help! Also when Slenderman's talking telepathically his text will be underlined.

Slenderman's pov:

Liu came out of his room with a bag hanging off his shoulder. By the looks of it he didn't pack much. I noticed how Sully was noticeably absent. "You all set?" "Y-yea." I nodded and motioned for Liu to take the lead.

Liu is directing us out of the forest. As we're walking I take some time to observe our surroundings. It's honestly fascinating how a railroad and mine system existed alongside a forest like this. The mines and tracks were scattered around and took place where nothing could be harmed. I got a better view than before because I went back to my normal form. I once again towered over everyone. "What do you know about this place?" I asked Liu through his mind.

Liu's pov:

"What do you know about this place?" Slenderman's question came through my head. "Not much... I've tried to but everything about this place is just.... gone. Like it was erased." Truth be it hearing Slenderman's voice in my head was both weird and familiar. I was used to voices in my head thanks to Sully. But it was so werid hearing someone's voice. 'I'll never get use to this' 'Neither will I Sully...neither will I.' "So any and all history is just gone?" "Well yes and no. The mines themselves some of them seem to date back around late 17th century. While the railroads are around early 18th century." (Author here really quick. I just went with two random centuries, I forget when railroads first came so. This is probably not accurate.)

Slenderman's pov:

Interesting. If this place could talk it would definitely have some story to tell. When did it start? Why did it close down? "Anything else?" "Well there's no visible sign why they left. But it was definitely rushed. There's things left all over. Lanterns, pickaxes, stuff like that. The house I live in came after though. It was built around mid 18th century, and has features that late 19th century houses have." "You've done your history I see." For a boy of 14 Liu knew a good bit about the things in different centuries. It was interesting. "I mainly did it to keep my mind off....... things." Liu left what out of the equation. But whatever it was seemed to bother him. "I see." I couldn't read Liu very clearly since I didn't know much about how his physical features contributed to reading him. And considering the fact that Liu was infront of me leading us out. "You seem to know this place well." I said trying to change the topic. "Heh. Yea not really, I'm still exploring this place."

Time skip to when they got out.

Liu's pov:

After a few hours of walking we got out of the forest. I glanced back at Slenderman. I'm still not use to his "normal" form so I jumped slightly. 'Finally something we agree on. I don't think I'll ever get use to that!' 'Yea... me neither.' "Uh... y-you'll need to take the lead f-from here cuz I have n-no clue." Slenderman nodded and walked infront of me. Slenderman's steps were like five of mine so I jogged slightly to try and keep up. "S-so uh... w-where are we going?" "To a train station." 'Is this guy stupid?!' 'Sully!' "But they'll f-freak out.... right?" "Not at the one we're heading to." '...... I'm confused.' 'You're not alone...'

Sully's pov:

This guy isn't making sense. But as normal Liu is too much of a wimp to say anything. So I separated myself from him like we did at the house. "What the fuck do you mean?!" "Sully!" I slapped him for that. 'He's had it comming for a while anyways.' But Slenderman heard me hit him. He stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned towards us.

Slenderman's pov:

It didn't take a genius to piece together what happened. Sully came out to talk and Liu tried to stop him from ticking me off. And then the sound of a slap came. I turned around to see Liu rubbing his face where a red mark is. He kept his head and glaze down. And I noticed how one hand was holding his scarf. Sully on the other hand, he was glaring at Liu. '...... this is all too simular to Jeffery.' "Liu come here." Liu hesitated glancing at Sully. Sully just made his glare worse, and his hands went into fists. Practically daring him to do it. Fed up with this I telaported Liu to me. Earning a yelp from Liu and a gasp from Sully.

Sully's pov:

'This guy can telaport stuff?!' Are you kidding me! I turned glare from Liu to this bitch. "Sully, I do not appreciate you hitting Liu like that." Ha like I care! "Oh and who's going to stop me? Besides he deserved it!' I was fed up with this person acting like he was our father or something. Like he was in charge! But he wasn't I was! "Do that again and I will not hesitate to hurt you." Liu paled at this while I just smirked. 'He had no idea who he was truly threatening here.' "Heh you think that scares me?"

Liu's pov:

Slenderman truly didn't know what he was doing here. He didn't realize that a threat like that meant nothing to Sully. Me on the other hand yea that was a threat towards me. But Slenderman seemed unaware of my reaction to it. And how could he? He was looking at Sully who stood farther away. I was right infront of him. Slenderman's hand was on my shoulder offering reassurance. 'I need to break this up...'

3rd person's pov:

Liu left Slenderman's grip on him and stepped in between him and Sully. "E-enough b-both of you." He said trying to stop the upcoming fight. "Oh Liu standing up for once? Shocking!" Sully teased. Slenderman was definitely not happy especially when Sully grabbed Liu and pulled him closer to him.

Sully's pov:

I took advantage of Liu moving and pull him closer to me. I pulled him so he was right him in front of me. I glared at Slenderman in challenge. "Make me stop." I said right before punch Liu in his gut. Liu winced and dropped on the ground. 'Of course he would, it's a weak spot after all.' Normally a person would just huddle in on themselves, but that spot is where Jeff cut Liu in an attempt to gut him. So the area is a bit more sensitive. Heh the tree didn't like that. "I warned you." He said before sending out a tentacle to hit me. 'Heh like you'll do anything.'

Slenderman's pov:

Fed up with Sully I went through with my threat. I sent out one of my tentacles to punch Sully in his face. Sully seemed unconcerned about this and let it hit. Only for Liu to cry out when it hit. I looked at Liu concerned while Sully laughed and went back inside Liu's mind. I went over to Liu and crouched down. Only to see blood run down Liu face. "Liu are you alright child?" "Y-you s-shouldn't have l-let h-him get to y-you...." Liu coughed out. Worried I lifted his face to see blood running down his nose right where I hit Sully. "Child... explain." I was confused and worried, Liu hurt right where I hit Sully. Can Sully transfer wounds to Liu? "Y-you c-can't hit S-Sully and h-hurt him.... s-since S-Sully is apart of m-me it goes to m-me...." Of course! That's why Sully taunted me! He wanted this to happen! And I.... I let him play me. "I'm very sorry Liu. I didn't know." I sat down so I could better check Liu. "Y-you're f-fine." Liu stammered out, while moving his hand to try and contain the blood that was coming out. 'Thankfully it hasn't stained Liu anywhere and just the ground.' I check Liu's nose only to see I broke it.....

3rd person pov:

Slenderman patched up Liu the best he could at the second before picking Liu up and continuing to the station. The entire way Slenderman grew worried over what other tricks Sully has up his sleeve.

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now