Meeting Sully

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So I have found out that someone indeed does read this. And well the views are going up... so here's a new part!

Slenderman's pov:

I was completely shocked when I saw a person like Liu but black and white appear. "Uh... S-slenderman this is Sully...." Liu introduced the figure standing beside him. Sully looked bored and semi angry. "So Sully can leave your body?" Liu nodded slowly. "Oi! I'm right here you bitch!" Sully definitely didn't appreciate being talked about like he wasn't there. "S-Sully be nice!" "Shut up nobody asked you shit!" Liu dropped his head down and mummered sorry. While I felt my anger boil. Sully seemed to have a semi abusive relationship with Liu. "That's a little much don't you think?" I barely managed not to snap. "Hey I'm being nice by even letting him go with you! Don't push your luck!"

Liu's pov:

Sully was being.... well Sully. Yea he can be nice at times but he has a temper. Especially around people he doesn't trust or know... and of course when Jeff's mentioned. Slenderman doesn't seem to like Sully though. He keeps glaring and before he speaks he takes a deep breath to calm himself. 'Sully you can ease up on the jerk vibes...' 'I already told you to shut up!' 'S-sorry...' I guess I just have to let Sully be himself....

Sully's pov:

Truth be it I wanted to smack Liu. I barely kept myself from smacking the idiot. This person is a complete stranger and yet he's telling me to be nice. Like I'd do that.

Slenderman's pov:

I wasn't happy that Sully was going to be joining us on this trip. But it allows Jeffrey and Liu to see each other again, and it permits me to keep an eye on Sully. He can be nice, he showed that when he heard Liu out and permitted Liu to go. But obviously he can be harmful to Liu. He also proved that during Liu and I's talk, and of course right now. On top of that Liu knows not to push it. 'Maybe this has something to do with the blood in Liu's room.' I took another deep breath before speaking. "Very well. Liu, Sully go pack anything you may need for the trip. I shall information Jeff about everything." Liu nodded while Sully just rolled his eyes.

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now