Informing Jeff

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Quick random question.. Yall know when Jeff's real name is mentioned it's like an insult? So uh does anyone else always think/say Jeff's name like really weird? Like JeFfErY? Just me?


Slenderman's pov:

Liu and Sully went back up to their room to pack, I however stayed downstairs. 'I need to tell Jeff and have one the proxies prepare a room for Liu and Sully.' It'll take about three days for us to get there, so that should be enough time. Hopefully not too many questions are asked.

Jeff's pov:

     "So, what did Slender want?" Ever since I got off the call with Slender, Ben's been wondering what he wanted. I couldn't tell him yet so I just kept dropping it. It was quickly becoming annoying. "Slender wanted to talk to me about something." There I said something. Now drop it Ben! Normally Ben and I were pretty chill with each other. But today he was driving me crazy. "Alright. Uh anyways I promised Sally I'd play with her so yea. Cya Jeff!" Ben left the room and probably headed towards wherever Sally is. I decided just to go back up to my room. I closed the door behind me and just flopped on my bed. My thoughts never stayed too far away from Liu though... How was he? Did he change at all? Or was he generally the same... I thought back at to the album that I pushed under my bed when Ben came in. 'Hopefully Smile didn't get to it...' I reached under and thankfully it was still intact. I flipped to a picture of me and Liu. 'Oh Liu.... I'm so sorry. More than you'll ever know..' The things I must have put him through. Yet at least according to Slender... you don't hate me. I flopped back on my bed. My questions kept swirling around my head.

   That's when my phone started ringing. I checked it to see that for the third or fourth time today, the faceless tree was calling me. I picked it up and answered. 'Why did he call Ben's phone. The first time actually?' Oh well who cares. "Ello?"


"That is your name Jeffery, so you shall be referred as it."

"My name is Jeff! Not Jeffery!"

Slenderman sighed before saying. "Anyways onto why I called you." (Author here really quick... anyone else see Slender pinching the bridge of his nose here? Or where it would be? Wait I guess he's still in it human form..... gotta change that..)

"Is something wrong? Is Liu oh okay?!" Gosh please nothing be wrong!

"He's fine. I called to tell you that yes he will be coming for a visit."

I was lost for words for a second. After seven years.... I'd see Liu again. Seven years of separation.... and I'd finally see him again. "He is?" It honestly all felt too good to be true!

"Yes. We'll arrive in a few days. But now I need to call Masky and get things set up."

"Alright..... Cya Slender."


I can't believe it... Liu's actually coming. We're going to see each other again.

Masky's pov:

Ever since Jeff came out of Slender's office he's been acting werid. 'What did he even want from there... More importantly why did Slender give him permission!' Things weren't adding up. Jeff was acting off, and Slender actually gave him permission to head into his office! As if the very thought of him summoned him, I got a call from him. "Hang on I need to take this." I excused myself from the room that I was in with Hoodie and E.J. "Yes sir?"

"Masky, I need you to do something."

"What would that be sir?" Unlike Jeff, Ben or even Jane, I had to watch my language around him. Or at least more than them. Not that Jeff does. Hoodie, Toby, and I were all proxies. Sure the others were considered proxies but they're not like us.

"I need you to prepare a room. There's two people who will be temporarily staying with us."

"Excuse me sir, but temporarily?" That was werid, no one has ever visited. Other than Slenderman's brothers of course. But other than them, anyone who needed a room stays.

"Yes. There is certain.... conditions where he could hurt a certain proxy."

"Very well sir."

Then Slender hanged up. This all isn't adding up. First, Jeff acts really out of character. Next, he's allowed in Slender's office. Now Slender's bringing home someone to stay temporarily, instead of living here. Whatever these "conditions" are they must be serious. It's not uncommon for an attack to break out. Jane wants to kill Jeff. Both Hoodie and I want to kill Toby. And Jeff wants to kill Nina. But Slender's orders are his orders. And I have to follow them. I walked back into the room. "Hey Hoodie, we got a job."

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now