Forgotten Woods

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Sully's pov:

Ever since I lost contact with Liu I've been imagining the worse. What did that guy do to him? Liu doesn't blackout over a lot. So if whatever happened caused him to pass out..... it's worrying. I felt something invade Liu's mind. It was too strong for me to face, so I hid everything about me and prayed it doesn't get found. Hopefully there'll be a better opportunity for me to strike soon. 'Liu please be oh kay...'

Slenderman's pov:

I didn't appear directly infront of Liu's home like I wished I did but I was in the right spot. Walking through the woods has been interesting though. Old railroad tracks and mines are scattered through the forest. Surprisingly none of them took over the woods.  They were mainly untouched. Thankfully Liu is still unconscious so I don't have to worry about that yet. Using Liu's memories I found the path Liu uses to get home and have been following that. Fairly shortly a cabin came into view. Hidden by the rest of the forest, you obviously can't see it unless you know where and what you're looking for. I shifted Liu so that I use my other hand, I opened the door. It was surprisingly clean. 'Jeff has never been clean..' but Liu surprisingly is. It took a minute to find Liu's room but I did find it. It's smaller than the first bedroom I found. But that's not the surprising thing. Blood covered the walls, streaks handprints, the whole nine yards. Even some of the floor has dried blood on it. 'This was not in his memories.' It's concerning and suspicious. I remember that Liu's file says he has a split personality, but no mention of such thing within Liu's memories. 'Is this his doing?' It's definitely a subject I have to discuss with Liu. But that's for later. Placing Liu on his bed, I brought the blanket to his shoulder. "Goodnight child.." I said out of habit. I exited Liu's room and closed the door behind me.

Sully's pov:

I finally was able to see around Liu. Wait! Why was he in the woods?! Shifting my gaze I saw the same guy who was in Liu's cell holding him walking around. 'What's going on!' It was night so his features were easier to see compared to the cell. 'He looks like Jeff.' He better not be Jeff! I'd kill him in a heartbeat! Screw what Liu tells me! One way or another Jeff deserves to die! Calming myself down I reminded myself that this is not the time. Directing my attention to our surroundings I saw that this stranger was on the exact path Liu uses. 'What?! Did this guy invade Liu's mind! Was that him?!' None of this is making sense!

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now