chapter 2

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

A week and a half later, Jessie parked her car behind the gigantic Moretti Group building as only the VPs, executives and visitors had reserved spots at the front of the building.

'I am an employee!' she thought realizing that she was officially starting 'real life'.

She still couldn't get over it. As she got out of her car, she looked again at the large rectangular building surrounded by panoramic windows and touches of red representing the colors of the Moretti Group logo. It was a luxurious and modern building; the group did not skimp on the architecture.

She was dazzled. Quite literally too, the sun blinding her and forcing her to put her hand above her hazel eyes while continuing to admire the view. She was completely lost in her thoughts imagining her future in this establishment when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She startled and turned around.

"Hi!" said a man with curly black hair. He reminded her of Michael, except his eyes were not green, they were black.

"Oh, hi!" she answered with a smile.

He looked at her intently, and she looked back at him confused.

"You're standing in my parking spot," he finally said pointing to the place.

"Oh, sorry!" she said, realizing that she was blocking the parking spot next to her car.

She immediately moved, but then realized that there were many other parking spots available. She couldn't understand why he had to pick that one.

She shrugged and started walking away towards the front of the office where the entrance was.

She soon heard someone jogged behind her. She turned around and saw the same guy who had asked her to move off his parking spot.

"Hey, wait!" he said while catching up to her.

'Freaking hell! What's his deal?!'

She looked at him, waiting for him to tell her what he wanted.

"I've never seen you around. Are you new?"

Jessie suddenly smiled, happy to already be meeting new people.

"Yes, this is my first day, actually!" she answered with much enthusiasm.

"Oh, great! I'm Andrew Deluca, but everyone calls me Deluca. I prefer that to be honest."

She laughed out loud. "Okay! I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Jessie. And I prefer that to be honest," she said slightly mocking him.

"Great! We're on the same page. Sorry about earlier by the way. I know there were other parking spots, but I've been parking my car there for years,'s stupid, I know."

"Oh, no, not at all! Don't worry about it! It's fine. I'm probably gonna start parking my car at the same spot as well."

They continued walking together to the front of the building, Deluca telling her that he was a senior architect in the company. Contrary to the first impression she had of him, he seemed like an actually decent guy.

She was completely oblivious to the fact that he was already hitting on her.

When they entered the reception, a short chubby girl with curly black hair was leaning on the reception desk and chatting with Ginetta.

When she saw Jessie, she immediately walked up to her and extended her hand. "You're Jessie Provolone? I'm Teresa Fidicci, HR coordinator. You are spending the first half of the day with me. This is your bag with Moretti brand goodies...but you work in marketing, so you'll have access to all of that stuff literally every day, but still!" she said while shoving the bag in Jessie's hands.

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