chapter 47

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Jessie jumped at the sound of Julian screaming from the living room. She quickly left the bedroom and joined him.

"What, what, what?!" she asked curious.

"Cyril agreed to come and work for me!" he said with the biggest of smiles.

Jessie's eyes lit up. "Really!? Already?! His two-week visit is not even done! Holy guacamole! This is excellent news! Very, very, very good news actually! Wow! Good job, babe!"

"That was great teamwork," he said winking at her.

She knew perfectly what he referred to. They had been hanging out with Cyril non stop, doing every possible activity that could woo him to come work here; fancy outings, a music concert, a festival, breathtaking hikes. But they both knew that it was doing these things with Mariana that had convinced Cyril that Montreal was a city where he could have a good life. Everyone could see the sparkles in their eyes when these two were together.

"You look great in red, babe," said Julian while looking at Jessie with her red Moretti t-shirt on.

It was the annual team building event at the Moretti Group.

"Thanks, my love," she said smiling. "Let's go now! I don't want to miss the games. Maybe I'll win another Starbucks gift card!" she said with child-like eyes.

As soon as she arrived in the ballroom that was as festive as last year, she joined Mariana and the rest of the marketing team who were faithfully standing near the coffee stand.

Mariana handed a cup of coffee to Jessie as soon as she saw her.

"No, no, no. I'm too excited, I can't drink coffee on top of that," said Jessie, declining Mariana's coffee. 

"Whoa, what's happening?"

"I have news for you, my friend. Great news," said Jessie with a winsome smile.

"What? What? What is it?" eagerly asked Mariana, seeing the sparkle in Jessie's eyes.

Jessie leaned over and said with a low tone, "Cyril has accepted the job."

"What!?" screamed Mariana so loud that everyone around turned to her. "Sorry!"

Jessie laughed out loud at her shock.

"Are you freaking sure?! Don't freaking play with me!"

"I am a hundred percent positive. He called Julian this morning and told him. He's moving here!" said Jessie with lights in her eyes.

Mariana sighed deeply while putting her hand on her forehead trying to wrap her head around the news. After hanging out with Cyril in an excessive way in the past week, she had found in him the perfect match for her. He was everything she wanted in a man. But she was scared to get attached, since she didn't know what would be the next steps for him and she had no desire to engage in a long-distance relationship.

"I think you've played a huge factor in his decision, Mar," said Jessie, winking.

"Don't put ideas in my head. Holy cow. I'm dizzy now!"

"And he's coming to the after party today."

"What!?!" Mariana screamed, prompting people to look at her again. "Sorry!"

"Yes, he's coming. He's coming for you," teased Jessie.

"Jessie, stop. I'm dying! You have to help me with my hair and my make up."

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