chapter 21

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Cecilia closed her notebook as her meeting with Alexandra was completed. She had a little bit of time before her next meeting, therefore, she took the opportunity to nose about Alexandra and Julian's love affair.

"So, what is happening with my little brother?" asked Cecilia with an amused smile.

Alexandra suddenly seemed uncomfortable; she didn't want to talk about it since nothing was going on. 

"Please...Cecilia. Let's just move on from that," she timidly replied.

"What? What do you mean? Why?" asked a confused Cecilia.

"Let's just say, nothing has been going on and I just don't think he's interested. And that's fine. I'm fine with it," she lied.

Cecilia's eyes widened. "I thought you guys went out a couple of times!"

"We did and it didn't lead to anything, so I think it's pretty clear," said Alexandra with her soft innocent voice.

"You know you have to be very enterprising with my brother, right?"

Alexandra shook her head. "It's just not my type to do that. And he's been really distant lately. He's taking days to answer my texts and he only answers stuff like 'sorry I was busy' without even answering to the things I'm trying to talk to him about. I don't want to force things anymore."

"Julian is super busy; he needs someone who understands that and can roll with it."

Alexandra looked at Cecilia with a hesitant look not convinced at all about what Cecilia was assuming. "That's just not the vibe I'm getting from him. It seems more to me like he's on to new things and no longer wants to pursue a relationship with me."

"No, don't worry about it. I know Julian. He gets caught up with work. Listen, tonight I'm having dinner at his place. My husband will be there as well. You should come!"

"Oh no!" she exclaimed. "Cecilia, come on. Not again with the set-up plans."

"Well, it worked last time, didn't it?"

Alexandra hesitated again. She really liked Julian and she had been thinking about his sky-blue eyes a lot. "I just don't want to look desperate. I feel like I'm pushing this when it is pretty clear he's not interested," she answered.

"Trust me, you are his type of girl. He only had good things to say about you. He just needs to see you again, and then he'll remember to pursue you. He hasn't needed to pursue a girl in a very long time, this tearjerker. You have to be tenacious with him," Cecilia pushed.

Alexandra sighed. She did crave to see Julian again. "Listen, I'll go. But if I get the same distant vibe from him, I'm honestly done."

"I'm sure something will happen!" said Cecilia with a big smile.


That night, Julian was indeed receiving his sister and brother-in-law, Francisco, at his place. He routinely had dinners with them once in a while.

His intercom rang and it was the concierge telling him that his invitees had arrived.

When the elevator's doors opened, he was ready to greet his sister and brother-in-law, but his jaw mentally dropped when he also saw Alexandra coming out of the elevator.

"Surprise!" shouted Cecilia. "We're doing a double date tonight!"

Julian got immediately utterly uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. Cecilia had no idea that he was in a serious relationship with another girl. She had invited her employee to his home, and he wasn't happy about it, at all.

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