chapter 37.2

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Julian's penthouse had turned into a casual cocktail soirée as guests were joyfully coming in. Jessie greeted each of them with a glass of wine, taking her hostess role very seriously. It was all new to her, to be this exposed in Julian's world.

A month had passed since the big reveal of their relationship and Jessie had just recently officially moved in with Julian. She could now be part of the mingling that Julian routinely had with his close friends and family. In this instance, it was a get together with a few of his cousins and their significant others, close colleagues turned friends, and of course, his sister Cecilia.

Jessie knew that it was her chance to make a good impression on Cecilia. They were outside of the office now and as much as she'd liked to, Cecilia wouldn't be able to escape her this time around like she did in the workplace, ignoring Jessie at all cost for the past month. Jessie still remembered that time when they crossed path in Julian's office, and Cecilia who was not even done with her conversation with Julian abruptly left, as if being in Jessie's presence suffocated her.

Jessie was not even able to get a hold of Cecilia through emails. She had an important legal matter that she wanted to bring up to her, but Cecilia had been completely ignoring her emails and repeatedly declining her invitations for a meeting for the past two weeks, claiming she was unavailable each time, no matter what the hour or the day.

Perhaps Cecilia wasn't being mean with her words like she did at the Christmas party, but she clearly showed Jessie that she still didn't like her and wanted nothing to do with her.

In the penthouse, Cecilia was now chatting with a group of people, in which Anthony was included. It was Jessie's chance to get closer to her and try getting on Cecilia's good side.

"Hi y'all!" she enthusiastically said as she joined the group. They all greeted her back except Cecilia who immediately turned around and left the group to join another one.

' number one.'

A little later, Jessie noticing that Cecilia's glass was empty, quickly jumped on the occasion.

"Hey Cecilia, can I refill you?" warmly asked Jessie.

"No," she coldly replied, barely looking at Jessie, and leaving abruptly again.

But two minutes later, she was pouring herself a glass of the same wine Jessie had offered.

'Fail number two.'

Later in the night, Jessie, relentless, joined the group in which Cecilia was part of again. This time, Cecilia couldn't leave since Julian was there and was talking about something that highly interested her. She replied to him by commenting on a new law that had recently passed, and Jessie knew that this was her time to shine.

"Oh! You're talking about the injunction made by the government regarding the private clinics?" she asked eager to show Cecilia that she was well versed in what was happening in the legal world.

"I'm talking about the construction business. The business that we're in," harshly replied Cecilia.

"Oh, right," answered Jessie dying of embarrassment.

'Fail number three.'

Jessie had made an honest mistake that anyone could have done since the news about private clinics had just gotten out, but Cecilia clearly did not hesitate to make her feel absolutely stupid for having mistaken two laws.

Julian, meanwhile, was unpleased at how Cecilia would swiftly and harshly reply to Jessie, not trying to be more open to her. He could clearly see how Jessie tried to be pleasant with Cecilia whereas she constantly avoided her.

While the siblings were alone for a few seconds, he quickly dropped a "be nice," to Cecilia.

"I am nice! That's me being nice!" she answered appalled.

"Then be nicer!" he said annoyed while quickly putting a smile back on as someone else was approaching them.

Meanwhile, Jessie was not easily discouraged from a challenge so she got back into action. Cecilia was now discussing with a group of girls and Jessie joined them. They were discussing hair which is a subject that Jessie knew full well, and she was convinced that she could add to the conversation and maybe impress Cecilia.

"I love the blunt cut hairstyle," said Jessie knowing that was Cecilia's hairstyle. "It's so bold and displays so much confidence, I don't know. I wish I had the guts."

"Oh, but your hair is so pretty, you shouldn't cut them!" replied one of Julian's cousin.

"Aw thank you! My mom's a hair dresser and I've been her guinea pig since I was born so...she'd kill me if I'd cut my hair...but I wish! I actually love short hair! And Cecilia, the bleach blonde suits you so well. Another thing I wish I'd have the guts to do!"

"I can't deal with long hair. Too much maintenance," replied Cecilia.

Jessie, so happy that Cecilia was finally acknowledging her presence and exchanging with her, blissfully replied: "Oh, trust me, you are absolutely right about that!"

"The last time I had long hair was when I was in high school, doing little teenage barbie girl's hairstyles, you know like these half up half down ponytails and stuff. By the time I got to cegep I was officially done with these childish hairstyles. Cut the hair, never looked back."

Jessie felt a lump in her throat, that she swallowed with difficulty as she stood nodding idiotically at Cecilia's comment and taking a sip of her wine. A half up half down ponytail was a hairstyle that Jessie absolutely loved and did quite often. Cecilia had obviously noticed it and was trying to tell her that she looked like a teenage barbie girl.

'Fail number five!'

Trying to get on Cecilia's good side seemed to prove impossible, and Jessie was hopeless. But then she regained her confidence. If they couldn't be friendly together, then they could at least talk business. Jessie needed Cecilia's help on the legal matter and she felt like Cecilia wouldn't be able to escape the conversation now and they'd be forced to discuss it together. Jessie would then be able to prove to Cecilia that she wasn't just a stupid pretty girl luring her brother.

As she was casually passing by Cecilia and Federico, trying to find a new angle to approach her, Jessie heard Cecilia say that she was a bit hungry. Jessie jumped on the occasion right away.

"Oh, Cecilia let me bring you some hors d'œuvre. I'll be right back!" said Jessie as she immediately got on the hunt for finger foods. Meanwhile, Cecilia sighed and rolled her eyes, tired of Jessie being such a bootlicker.

A few moment later, Jessie came back with a plate of finger foods, and a glass of wine for Cecilia.

"There you go," said Jessie smiling.

Cecilia gave her a quick fake smile whereas Federico, noticing his wife's rudeness took the items from Jessie's hands and politely smiled at her.

"Thank you Jessie, that's very kind," he said.

"My pleasure! Cecilia, while I have you there, I wanted to quickly touch base on the emails I've been sending you regarding the defamatory article going around about the company."

Cecilia sighed in exasperation. "I'm at my brother's place, trying to have a good time, and now I have to talk about work again. Great!"

Jessie's ears turned crimson as she was once again embarrassed.

'Fail number...wait what number am I at now? A hundred? I stopped counting.'

"Cecilia..." swiftly and quietly dropped Federico, which made Cecilia remembered her promise to Julian to be nice and respectful.

"Look Jessie, I'm exhausted and I have no idea what you're talking about. I receive many emails per day as you can imagine. It's nothing against you. Can this wait til Monday?" she asked forcing herself to be polite although her whole face showed her obvious annoyance.

"Sure, yeah, no problem!" replied Jessie while mentally officially dropping the towel.

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