chapter 28.2

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When she came back from her trip, Jessie directly went to her parent's house as it was a tradition for them to spend as much time as possible together during the holiday season.

She was with her mother in the family kitchen, baking Christmas cookies together.

"Pour two cups of sugar in there," said Veronica to her inattentive daughter.

Jessie was yet again texting on her cellphone with a beatific smile on her face. She had missed for the umptieth time her mother's instructions.

"Jess? Did you hear me?" repeated her mother.

Jessie looked up to her. "Yes, yes..." she answered still absent.

"I thought we were supposed to be baking together."

"That's what we're doing."

"I don't think you can bake and text at the same time."

"Watch me. I'm a multitasker," said Jessie with confidence.

"I'm watching, and I'm not impressed. Your head is in the clouds. You just spent five days with your Julian and you can't give me undivided attention for an hour."

"What can I say, Mom? I'm in love!" she said with a big smile. She was obviously still on cloud nine from her trip. "What did you want me to do again?"

"See! That's what I was saying," said Veronica exasperated. "Pour two cups of sugar in the bowl."

"Right!" she said as she looked for the measuring cups.

Veronica watched her daughter in action. She was still visibly in a peaceful and enamored state. "You know," she said while kneading the dough. "I don't think I've ever seen you like this."

"Like what?"

"Just so're always on the go normally, running to do something. I can't believe you took five full days off. I don't know when the last time you went on a vacation was. A real one."

Jessie shrugged. She knew her mother was right. She had never taken real time off from the moment she started university a little over five years ago. She always had some type of project going on that she could absolutely not step away from. She always had a goal that she was focused on.

But when Julian flew her to Whistler, she did not hesitate one second to leave it all behind. In the last few days, all she dreamt about was life with him: marriage, house, kids. She'd never been the one to reflect on those things more than she did on work, but here she was.

"Well, you should be happy for me," she said to her mother.

"I am."

But in reality, Veronica was sad that she could have not been like this with Michael, whom she still loved deeply. She secretly still wished for them to get back together, but considering how her daughter seemed happy with Julian, she was certainly not going to let her disappointment show. 

"What are you doing tomorrow? Maybe we can go shopping," asked Veronica.

"Oh no Mom, I can't. I have to catch up on work. I'll probably be at Julian's place anyways."

"Oh, can I come then?"

"What? Where?" she asked panicked. 

"At Julian's place."

Jessie was suddenly uneasy. "Why?"

"Well, Jess, I'd like to see him. We'd like to meet him, your dad and I, actually."

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