chapter 28.1

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It was the lovebirds' last day of vacation, and Julian had planned something special.

"Don't panic, cause I know how you get," he said to Jessie while facing her on the bed.

"What, Julian?" said Jessie suspicious.

"See? You're already on the defensive!"

"No! I haven't said anything!" she said raising her hands in an innocent way. "Ok, come on, what?"

"Promise me you'll be open to my suggestion."

"Yes, I promise! Spit it out already!"

", I want to take you out to a very fancy place and if I am to do that, I also have to buy you some clothes, you know, so you can look the part."

Jessie resisted telling him a big fat "no" as she had promised him she would be opened to his suggestion for their last night in Whistler, but she couldn't hide her facial expression that showed how uncomfortable she was with the whole idea.

"Come on! Let me spoil you for once," added Julian seeing her disapproving look.

Jessie gasped of unbelief. "For once? Julian, you're already spoiling me, like a lot!"

"No actually, cause you don't let me."

In fact, she didn't let him buy her anything every time they walked by the village shopping area, despite Julian insisting over and over again.

"Amore, I haven't spend one dollar since we've been here, do you realize that?" said Jessie appalled and exasperated. She had been completely shocked at everything that Julian had paid for and organized since their first day here, and she kept voicing her uneasiness to him, as she felt he was doing way too much for her. Jessie had an absolute phobia of being seen as a gold digger.

"I invited you, it's only right that I pay. We call that having manners."

"Well, I don't feel good about this, I feel like I'm abusing you!"

"But you're not, trust me," said Julian meaning it. He almost wished she could see his bank accounts and stop worrying once and for all. "Baby, why are you like this? I've never met a girl in my life who refuses gifts as much as you do. You're a real piece of work!"

"I don't want gifts, I just want to be with you! That's plenty enough for me."

"Ok, Jess, but as your boyfriend, can I please take you out shopping? It will make me happy. Can you do that for me?"

She sighed seeing how insistent he was with this thing. "If it makes you happy, then fine," she finally conceded.

"Finally! You are one stubborn girl, I tell you that!"

Jessie stuck out her tongue for all answers.

A little later, their dedicated chauffeur came to pick them up in the same black Lincoln Navigator.

"Oh! Can we go to Confetti Gelato first?" asked Jessie.

"Again? You really have an obsession with gelatos."

"So do you with your bread and Nutella!"

"But gelatos are cold, it's a summer dessert. How can you eat so much of that in winter?"

"There are no seasons for gelatos. And their pineapple gelato doesn't take like the ones in Montreal. It's my last chance to ever taste that goodness again! I really need it. I need it in my life, Julian!"

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