chapter 31

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

Mariana drove around Jessie's block for the hundredth time. Little Italy may have been a cute and jovial little neighborhood, but finding parking was hell, especially on a Saturday morning when everyone stayed bundled up at home in this freezing January cold.

She saw a lady walking towards her red Toyota Corolla. "Yes!" she exclaimed hurrying to drive towards her. She made sure to put her flasher indicating that she wanted this parking spot.

She parked her car and walked to Jessie's apartment block. Teresa had given her the address, although she was under no circumstances supposed to divulge that information. Mariana had mentioned to her that Jessie had fallen ill and that she wanted to bring her some supplies. Since they were all friends, Teresa had finally agreed to look into the HR database and give her Jessie's address.

Jessie hadn't returned to the office on Thursday and Friday, which was incredibly odd since she never missed a day of work, let alone two, and especially with the great results she had obtained with her project that guaranteed her an imminent promotion. When Mariana had texted her to ask if she was okay, Jessie had replied that Julian had broken up with her, which completely took Mariana by surprise. She had tried to communicate further with Jessie, without success. Mariana was determined to comfort her friend, hence her impromptu visit.

Jessie was lying on her bed, trying to catch up on some sleep since she had hardly slept for the past two days.

When she heard her unit ring, she sighed deeply, rolling her eyes. She was convinced it was her mother, yet she had told her that she did not want a visit today. She'd spent the last two days at her parents' house and her mother's snide little comments had gotten on her nerves. Veronica couldn't understand Jessie being in all of her moods for a guy she had only dated for four months. She kept throwing out Michael's name at every opportunity she found.

The bell rang again. Despite herself, Jessie angrily removed the sheet covering her and headed for her intercom. "Hello," she answered annoyed.

"Hey Jess, it's Mariana."

Jessie was shocked upon hearing Mariana's voice as she wasn't expecting her at all. She looked like a mess and her condo was also a mess.

"Can you please let me in?" asked Mariana, seeing that she wasn't responding.

"Yeah...yeah!" replied Jessie.

There was nothing she could do at that point. Mariana was already downstairs and she couldn't send her away.

When Mariana arrived at the door and saw Jessie, she felt extremely bad and sad for her. Jessie's eyes were puffy and red, and so was the tip of her nose. She was pale and looked frail.

Mariana immediately embraced her and Jessie broke down crying.

Mariana knew how much Jessie loved Julian, how much she was obsessed with him. She had witnessed it all from the start, and she knew that break up was immensely painful for Jessie. 

Jessie cried for a long time while Mariana consoled her until she was able to calm down and finally explain her and Julian's last conversation.

Upon hearing Jessie's explanations, Mariana was completely confused at the situation.

"I don't get it. Everything was going so well. I'm missing a part here. That's so weird," said Mariana in disbelief. 

"You know what, not really. I'm like a trash bag. Easily disposable. Story of my life," said Jessie while sniffling and wiping her tears.

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