chapter 27.1

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

Jessie was in the cab wondering why would Cecilia say something like that. Is that how Julian talked about her? As a charity case? A gold digger? A fling? Why would she dare say something like that about someone that her brother supposedly loved? She was completely destroyed by Cecilia's harsh words and didn't know what to think anymore about Julian and her's relationship.

Meanwhile, Julian had been looking for Jessie inside the venue, but she was nowhere to be found. He called her several times and so did Mariana who was confused that she may have left without telling her.

Once Jessie got home, she immediately showered, curled herself in bed and cried silently.

Her cellphone kept ringing, but she didn't answer.
After a while, she put it on silent mode because it stressed her out. She didn't want to talk to anyone in the state that she was in and especially not to Julian. She was overwhelmed with hurt and incomprehension.

But Julian was worried and he was relentlessly calling her. He texted her again. 'Jess, where are you? Are you okay? I'm worried.'

Jessie saw the text and decided to answer him as she didn't want him to worry.

'Hey, I am home. I have a huge headache.'

Julian knew for a fact that something was wrong. He knew that the news about Alexandra coming to the ski event had affected her judging by the way she had abruptly left when he had told her. He left the Christmas party without hesitation and drove to her place.

Once he arrived in front of her building, he called her again. Jessie didn't answer since her phone was on silent mode, so Julian rang the bell.

Jessie's heart dropped. She wondered who could be there at almost 1 a.m. She was convinced a serial killer who had been spying on her was after her. She prayed the person would go away, but she heard the bell again.

At this point, she was shaking, and hoped it was just someone who had rang the wrong unit. She got out of bed and walked toward her entrance.

She nervously clicked on the intercom, and hesitated to do a male voice so the 'serial killer' wouldn't know she was a lonely vulnerable girl.

"Yes?" she said with her normal but shaky voice.

"Jess, it's me." She immediately recognized Julian's voice and felt the biggest relief.

"Son of a motherless goat! You scared the crappity crap out of me!"

"Can you let me in? I'm cold!" he said, feeling his hand freezing in the -20 degrees Celsius Canadian winter weather.

"Yeah! Yeah!" She buzzed him in.

She then looked around in panic, realizing what was happening. Julian had never come to her modest condo.

She was relieved to see that her small open space condo was more or less in order. But then she remembered that she had been crying and that her face must have looked a whole hot mess.

In another fit of panic, she ran to the bathroom and vigorously washed her face with cold water, hoping that Julian wouldn't notice anything. Just as she was finishing, he was knocking on her door.

"Coming!" she said while roughly drying her face with a towel.

She then ran towards the entrance. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"What a surprise! I thought you were a serial killer!" she said, trying to act enthusiastic and hide her sadness.

Julian paid no attention to her acting. He immediately noticed her red eyes and nose despite her effort.

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