chapter 1.2

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Later that day, Jessie had decided to surprise Michael at his workplace to tell him the great news.

She was waiting for him outside of the tall, red building where he worked. At 5 p.m. sharp, he passed through the revolving doors. She immediately saw him and nervously but excitedly waved at him although he wasn't looking at her.

His thick black eyebrows were permanently slightly narrowed which made him look grumpy. But over the time, Jessie got used to his gloomy look with his dazzling green eyes.

Michael saw someone leap like a kid in the corner of his eyes. When he looked up, he saw Jessie dressed in her professional attire, but faithful to herself, she had added a pop of color with her vibrant red coat.

He was pleasantly surprised; she wasn't the kind to make these types of unannounced visits, considering her busy schedule. When he saw her with her big smile on, he couldn't help but jog towards her.

"Hi!" she nervously said while batting her scandalously long natural lashes trying to look adorable.

She didn't know what to expect from him. Good mood? Bad mood? She tried to analyze his expression.

He smiled and gave her a small hug with a kiss on the lips.

"What a great surprise!" he said as he detached himself from their embrace. She had hope to kiss him longer but he wasn't the kind to give long passionate kisses.

She was at least relieved that he was happy to see her.

"Babe, you won't believe this! I have a job!" she blurted raising her palms up.

"What? What do you mean, you have a job?" he asked confused.

Michael knew that Jessie had been all about school and had not even started applying to jobs, although he had told her several times to start doing so.

"The Marketing VP offered me a job earlier today after my presentation!"

Michael was baffled. "! I thought you hadn't applied anywhere."

"I haven't! He created a position for me, on the spot!" she said grinning and slightly jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitement.

"No way!" he replied in disbelief.

"I swear!" she squealed.

"Wow! Jess, you're something else," he said as he shook his head in admiration.

Five years of dating this girl, and he was always amazed at how much she was able to accomplish.

They walked to her car and Jessie proceeded to tell him all about what had happened.

"And guess what? With my salary, and your salary, we could start... maybe looking for a place together," she said while shyly looking at him.

"Now you're talking," he responded while smiling with all his teeth.

Michael had wanted to move in with her for quite some time now, but she was adamant on finishing school and finding a job prior to making that big move.

Michael had graduated two years ago, after earning his bachelor's degree in computer science. He was working at a tech company, waiting for his girlfriend to be done with the student lifestyle so they could finally settle down together.

That day had finally come. Jessie's heart was full; today, Michael liked her and she felt no resentment coming from him which is something that had been rare lately.


Meanwhile, Julian was leaving the office earlier than normal as he was meeting with yet another client. When he arrived at the reception, Ginetta was there, packing her things to leave.

"Have a good evening, Julian!" she eagerly said.

"Thanks Ginetta, you too."

He suddenly remembered the girl from this morning; that beautiful woman that had him dumbfounded. His crazy busy day had him forget about her, but now her image was back in full effect in his mind.

He approached Ginetta's desk and slightly leaned over. "Hey Ginetta, do you remember the girl from this morning that came in at the same time as me?"

Ginetta frowned as she reflected on her morning, and her face suddenly illuminated after a few seconds. "Oh yes! The student? What's her name..." she said scratching her head.

At the same time, Anthony, who was not only Julian's cousin, but also his best friend and the Vice-President of leasing, came down from the white stairs behind Ginetta's desk.

"Ehi ragazzo!" he greeted in Italian while approaching Julian and taking him by the shoulders with his two hands.

"Julian, do you want me to open my computer and look for her name? I have it somewhere in my emails," said Ginetta at the same time.

Julian grimaced and immediately shook his head in dismissal. "It's okay, Ginetta, forget about it."

He absolutely didn't want Anthony to know that he was snooping on a girl. "You're ready?" he said instead looking at Anthony.

"I was born ready!" answered Anthony.

Julian had accepted at that point that he would probably never again see this woman. Although he was disappointed about it, he couldn't help but think that it was probably for the best. The eagerness he had towards her felt uncomfortable and scary.

Yet, two days later, Jessie's hiring was published on the company's intranet with a picture of her and a brief summary of her journey. But since Julian rarely checked the intranet, he was completely oblivious that the woman he was so intrigued about had in fact been hired by his company.

 But since Julian rarely checked the intranet, he was completely oblivious that the woman he was so intrigued about had in fact been hired by his company

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