chapter 20.2

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The next day, when Jessie got to work, she went straight to Lucy's office and, with a triumphant smile, put the booklet and the summarize report on her office desk.

"There, your summary!" she said without letting Lucy reply anything. 

Lucy was appalled. She had really thought that Jessie wasn't going to be able to pull that one off. Instead of the victorious sentiment she thought she'd have, all she felt was shame and failure.

Jessie knew that this situation needed to be escalated to Massimo, but she absolutely hated complaining and conflictual situations. She didn't have the courage to do it. 

Julian, however, had no intention of letting that one slide. He knew Jessie didn't want him to get involved, but he couldn't stand by and watch his girl being abused by her supervisor in his own company. He was infuriated that Lucy had forced her to work on something that was absolutely not pertinent and not urgent. The only reason he wasted his time working on it was because he knew Jessie wouldn't let go.

Every now and then, Julian had one-on-one meetings with the VPs of the company to ensure he was up to speed with all of the company's operations, and today he had one with Massimo. He was determined to subtly address Massimo's team structure, and more particularly Jessie's workload.

"How are things going with your team by the way?" Julian asked Massimo in a mock casual way as they were closing the meeting.

"Everything's going well!" Massimo immediately exclaimed. 

"What about the digital marketing strategy?" Julian specified.

"Oh! Jessie is doing an amazing job. Mauro won't have any regret trusting her with this."

"Yeah, I've heard good things about it. I've actually spoke to Jessie about it the other day. She seems to have a lot on her plate."

"There's a lot to do. She knew it would be hardcore considering the second analyst position has not been approved yet. She has to do it all on her own. But she's not afraid of work."

Julian was not satisfied with Massimo's answer. "I just find it odd that she still needs to do her former role, plus the new one," he replied. 

Julian knew that this could seem like he knew a bit too much, but he didn't care. He was going to address this situation regardless of how suspicious it may seem.

"Oh no, no, no. She's not doing her former role. She's fully dedicated to the digital marketing strategy. The advisors are all doing their own analyses until we hire the new marketing analyst that's supposed to replace her."

Julian shook his head. "That's not what I understood from her. But it's your team, so I'll let you investigate. Just make sure that she can focus on the digital marketing project because it has taken a lot of expansion. I hear she's already working with leasing as well," said Julian, pretending that he was interested in her work for business purposes rather than because she was his girlfriend.

"Yeah, for sure I'll look into this," said Massimo, confused at Julian's allegations.

Massimo couldn't help but wonder how Julian had all this information about Jessie's workload without him knowing about it. He knew that Julian and her had worked together in the past, so he figured Jessie must have kept in touch with him, which made sense since she was the queen of networking and Julian was certainly a big win for her arsenal. But he was not happy about the fact that she had told all of this to Julian instead of him, making him look like he had no control over his team in front of the COO.

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