chapter 26

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A little later, in the legal department, Cecilia crossed her legs and leaned back on her white office chair while Anthony took a sip of his espresso cup.

"I can't believe all this time you knew about that and didn't say anything," she said.

Anthony raised his free hand. "He made me promise not to."

"Yeah! No wonder why!"

"To be fair, I had the exact same apprehension as you at first. But Julian was determined about Jessie. I talked to her at the team building event and she's quite decent. Plus, she has been working with Michele from my team and she only has great things to say about her. She says she's a beast in business and I believe her."

"She's using Julian to make these types of connections and get to the top! Can't you see that?" Cecilia said in an appalled way. "Ant, between you and I, we both know how Julian is. Whenever he meets a girl that he could potentially fall in love with like Alexandra, he runs the other way and pick the first bimbo instead! It's a sick pattern because he is afraid of opening up and be vulnerable."

Anthony frowned and shook his head in disagreement. "I don't know. I think he's actually really into her. I've never seen him like this with any girls for as long as I've known him. The way he looks at her is very telling."

Cecilia rolled her eyes. "Any guy would look at a half naked stripper with light in his eyes but that doesn't mean he's in love. As a matter of fact, I remember Jessie from the executive meeting. She's young and she knows how to talk to seduce men. I can clearly see through her little games."

"I don't know what to tell you. I felt the exact same way at first. I think the only way you can change your perception of her is if you get to know her."

Cecilia remained pensive as she rubbed her chin. She hadn't tried to get in contact with Jessie since learning about Julian's little romance. She actually had no desire to do so, convinced that Jessie was an opportunist using her little brother.

"At this point, I think we just need to accept her," said Anthony. "He spends all of his time with her. I don't see the guy anymore. He refers to her all the time. I don't think she's a fling at all."

"I'm not convinced. She might look good, but she's no match to Alexandra. Alex is the whole package. Let's be real."

Anthony shrugged, not knowing what to say to convince Cecilia. Alexandra was definitely a ready to marry woman, but after multiple conversations with Julian, it seemed like Jessie was a perfect match for him.

Cecilia tapped on her glass office desk with her hand and suddenly got up. "You know what? I'll go see her right now. Then it will be settled."

She immediately headed to the marketing department. People could hear her from a mile away. Her Jimmy Choo high heels were loudly banging on the floor while she walked in a very confident and determined way. She blaringly greeted the people she knew on her path with no regards to those she didn't know.

Once she reached the marketing department, every employee in the open space offices looked at her with awe. They all knew how difficult it was to get on Cecilia's good side. She was as intimidating as Mauro, but as opposed to him, she wasn't nice with mere employees she didn't know.

Cecilia looked around; she knew no one from this department, except Massimo who had just come back from the real estate meeting with the other team members. "Massimo!" she shouted as she entered his open-door office.

Jessie hadn't seen her, but when she heard that voice, she immediately recognized Cecilia. For some reasons, her heart skittered knowing that Cecilia was now aware of Julian and hers' relationship.

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