chapter 36.1

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

Julian opened the conference room's door and saw Jessie sitting in one of the black chairs trying to fix her face from the tears. When she saw Julian, she sighed, as she didn't want him to see her like a wreck again because of their relationship.

"I'm okay..." she said frantically.

"No, you're not," he responded with a soft voice. He got closer to her and took her hand so she could stand. "Come here," he said while embracing her.

She couldn't hold it back anymore. She cried, feeling both vulnerable and safe in his arms. That's all she needed.

"Thank you," she said as she pulled away from him after a while. "I feel better. It's just so embarrassing," she said rolling her eyes.

"I know."

"I'm not crying because I want to break up with you by the way."

Julian looked at her, confused.

"Cause last time you made weird assumptions when I was crying and you ended up breaking up with me," she specified.

"Oh...Yeah, I think I got my lesson now."

She slightly laughed, which surprised him. He thought she was going to be a complete wreck considering how her reputation was so important to her. But after the horrible pain she felt during her breakup with Julian, Jessie was way more aware of what mattered most in life, and this situation didn't seem like the end of the world like it would have before.

"Wait a minute!" she said stepping back. "Didn't Sylvia say that we couldn't be alone together?"

"...I'm the COO," said Julian looking at her with a 'duh' expression while leaning his back against the conference table.

"Right," she realized while wiping her tears with her sleeve.

Julian hated seeing her like that and at this point, he was willing to use his power even in an unfair way to put her out of her misery.

"Jess, if it's too much for you, just say a word and I'll make it all disappear. And if this escalates, we'll get people fired."

Jessie was completely shocked by his sudden remarks. "What?! Don't say that! That's not like you!"

"I'm just saying it's a possibility!" said Julian raising his hands.

"I would never ask you to do something like that. I'm gonna go through the process, that's all."

"Anyways, you know you have nothing to worry about, right? Your promotion was completely and utterly deserved. This is just a technicality. And Lucy is very ill-intentioned for implying that there may be some favoritism involved. She perfectly knows how hard you work, she was your supervisor!"

"It was Lucy who reported us? I always had a feeling she didn't like me very much."

"I personally believe she's a toxic person; we could have good reasons to fire her."

Jessie was shocked all over again. "Julian, stop talking like this! If I have you fire my colleague who hates me, then that is favoritism."

"Well, Jessie, one day or another, you're going to have to accept that you're dating the COO of the company for which you are working for. I have the power to make your life easier, and since I love and care for you, my whole being is urging me to do just that."

She couldn't help but smile. Looking at him, she saw in his eyes, in his intense gaze how he truly cared. She was convinced that being with him was worth all the trauma she was about to engage in.

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