chapter 20

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

The next day, Jessie woke up with a cellphone full of missed calls and a confused expression on her face, while she slowly realized that she was still at Julian's place. She turned her head to the side and saw him still very much asleep and not on the verge to wake up at all. He seemed completely gone and Jessie remembered that he had told her that he was sleep deprived.

Suddenly, flashbacks of the night before started flooding back to her mind as she heard echoes of herself screaming Julian's name. Her cheeks turned crimson. She had never been this promiscuous in her whole entire life, usually being a bit more on the prude and reserve side when it came to these types of things. But this guy was clearly experienced because he had made her say, do and think things she never did before. Sex had never been this overly exciting thing for her like people made it to be. It was just a thing she did with Michael for the past five years, when the occasion presented itself. But after last night, sex had definitely taken a whole new meaning in her mind. Julian made her feel things she never felt before, and despite her timidity, she already wanted more of that.

She looked again at Julian and his perfect features, still not not able to believe that she was actually laying there beside him in his penthouse. She didn't know what to do. Waking him up was not an option: she already felt horrible for having taken so much of his time when the poor guy hadn't had any good nights sleep in a while. But she couldn't help and wonder what would happen next, hoping to God it wasn't just a casual hook up for him. She knew he liked her, but what if...

The intense way he was looking at her while making love to her, as if she was the most amazing woman in the whole wide world did bring some security. But Jessie was still very insecure in general.

She looked around at his immense bedroom with a wall to wall panoramic window facing them with the same breathtaking view she had barely had the time to admire the night before. The gray and black aesthetic decor with everything being immaculate except the bed they were on made the place overwhelmingly luxurious. As she turned her gaze to the left, the ceiling to floor mirror on the side made her startled at her own reflection and Julian's body laying by her side. She suddenly remembered how she did take glimpses at this mirror yesterday night while they were doing very adult things and those images had made her even more excited at the time. Now, she was more embarrassed than anything, remembering her outrageous horniness of the night before.

She looked at her cellphone again that was now vibrating. Her parents were calling her for the umptieth time, obviously worried sick. She didn't come home, and she was their sweetheart unique little girl. They feared something bad had happened to her.

'I'm fine, I'm at a friend's house. Sorry for not letting you guys know :(' she texted.

'Answer the phone, Jessie! I want to make sure you're okay!!' texted back Veronica.

There was absolutely no way that Jessie would be answering the phone while Julian was sleeping beside her. She didn't need him to be woken up by a crazy Italian screaming mom and be reminded that he had just hooked up with a twenty-four year old girl still living at her parents' house.

Seeing that there was no response on Jessie's part, Veronica charged back: 'At which friend's house are you?!?'

Another request that was impossible for Jessie to answer. She couldn't tell her mother that she had just spent the night at Julian's house who happens to be the COO of the company she worked for. That was completely out of character for her and she knew Veronica would be out of herself.

Jessie knew she couldn't just lay here, paralyzed, not doing anything. Julian needed to sleep and the idea of waking him up felt downright wrong. Anyways, she really dreaded facing him. Was she his girl now? She didn't really know and she was afraid to even address it with him. Was he going to be happy if he woke up and she was still there?

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