chapter 16

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

Saturday night, Jessie wiped her moist hands on her bodycon mini black dress that perfectly hugged her curves, while Veronica was helping her strapped her black stiletto heeled angle strap sandals. She looked at herself in the mirror and arranged the curls that were out of place. She knew Michael always loved when she did her hair like this. She had also put on his favorite perfume, a floral scent that always turned him on.

"Jess, you look perfect," said a visibly excited Veronica. When Jessie had told her the news about Michael, she had jumped with joy.

"Thanks Mom. I'm so nervous. I hope it doesn't turn out to be awkward."

"You guys know each other. It's not like a real first date. Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, you're right," she answered unconvinced.

The doorbell rang. It was assuredly Michael, right on time as always. His punctuality never failed.

"I'm gonna puke," said Jessie.

"It's gonna be amazing! Don't worry about it!" exclaimed Veronica with a big smile.

Jessie went downstairs where Alessio had opened the door for Michael. They didn't talk much, as Alessio still remembered how he broke his little girl's heart. He didn't want the story to repeat itself, and he was not very enthusiastic seeing Jessie going out with him again. But at least, he knew Michael was a good guy.

When Michael saw Jessie, the look in his eyes said it all; passion took hold of him. She was absolutely stunning and he wondered again how did he ever let her go.

"Hi!" she said as she leaned forward to give him formal kisses.

"Hi! Wow, you look stunning!" he responded visibly in shock.

"Thank you!"

"Hi Veronica," he said, waving at her who was clearly living her dream.

"Hi Mike. Nice to see you again. Have a great night together!"

They headed to Michael's very familiar black Acura sports car. They kept giving each other shy smile even though they had been together for five years. It was like everything was new.

Michael turned on the engine and a song that Jessie didn't recognize started playing. She remembered how he always had something unexpected playing in his car.

She suddenly had flashbacks of her and Julian in his Porsche. He only listened to mainstream music, just like her...She remembered how much she thought that was unexpected and adorable.

"I hope you're hungry," said Michael interrupting her thoughts. Meanwhile, Jessie couldn't believe she was thinking about Julian while being with Michael. She subtly shook her head in an attempt to drive out Julian's image in her mind.

"Yes, I am actually!" she exclaimed.

"Good, because I know how you get sometimes. You forget to eat, then you're so hungry that you splurge on little snacks and you have no place left for proper food."

She laughed as she knew he was right. "Last week, I forgot to eat and my stomach made the biggest gurgle I have ever heard in my life. So loud that the person I was with heard it too! We couldn't stop laughing," she said thinking about Julian once again.

'What is wrong with me?!'

"So, you still don't take the time to eat properly. That hasn't changed?"

"I'm making efforts. What's this song?" she asked, trying to distract herself from thinking about Julian again.

"It's a song by Nothing But Thieves."

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